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Current Pharmaceutical Analysis


ISSN (Print): 1573-4129
ISSN (Online): 1875-676X

Research Article

An Easy Efficient Method of Veterinary Drug Residue Analysis in Raw Milk by RP-HPLC-UV with Application to Raw Milk

Author(s): Lekweiri Haiba Legrae*, Mohamed Fadel Deida, Bah Mohamed Lemine Abdellahi, Mohamed Brahim Elkory, Ibrahima Ndiaye and Jalloul Bouajila*

Volume 16, Issue 7, 2020

Page: [942 - 949] Pages: 8

DOI: 10.2174/1573412915666190416115517

Price: $65


Background: This study reports an easy method of a veterinary drug investigation in raw milk, based on QuECHERS extraction followed by RP-HPLC-UV analysis. Use of this benchtop system was motivated by its availability and moderate cost relatively to other sophisticated methods such as LC-MS which are more efficient.

Methods: This developed method has been optimized and then after validation according to EU legislation, it demonstrated good linearity with R²>0.997, acceptable peak resolution within a short time (<9.5 min) and good recovery of the analyzed drugs (OXY, ALZ and IVR, respectively 87.08, 99.02 and 92.01 %). Additionally, we applied the method to the analysis of cow milk, collected in Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania.

Results: The obtained results indicated a mixed level of drug use according to targeted molecules. In 42% of sampled farms, the anti-parasitics IVR and ALZ were detected whereas the antibiotic OXY was detected in 50%.

Conclusion: This investigation shows that 17% of the sampled farms exceeded European standards for IVR drug.

Keywords: Veterinary drug residue, oxytetracycline, ivermectin, albendazole, QuECHERS method, sahel region.

Graphical Abstract

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