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Current Medical Imaging


ISSN (Print): 1573-4056
ISSN (Online): 1875-6603

Review Article

Three Dimensional Reconstruction Models for Medical Modalities: A Comprehensive Investigation and Analysis

Author(s): Sushitha Susan Joseph and Aju Dennisan*

Volume 16, Issue 6, 2020

Page: [653 - 668] Pages: 16

DOI: 10.2174/1573405615666190124165855

Price: $65


Background: Image reconstruction is the mathematical process which converts the signals obtained from the scanning machine into an image. The reconstructed image plays a fundamental role in the planning of surgery and research in the medical field.

Discussion: This paper introduces the first comprehensive survey of the literature about medical image reconstruction related to diseases, presenting a categorical study about the techniques and analyzing advantages and disadvantages of each technique. The images obtained by various imaging modalities like MRI, CT, CTA, Stereo radiography and Light field microscopy are included. A comparison on the basis of the reconstruction technique, Imaging Modality and Visualization, Disease, Metrics for 3D reconstruction accuracy, Dataset and Execution time, Evaluation of the technique is also performed.

Conclusion: The survey makes an assessment of the suitable reconstruction technique for an organ, draws general conclusions and discusses the future directions.

Keywords: Medical image visualization, 3D reconstruction, poisson surface reconstruction, marching cubes, delaunay’s triangulation, OCSVM, ISSSVM, statistical shape models.

Graphical Abstract

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