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Current Genomics


ISSN (Print): 1389-2029
ISSN (Online): 1875-5488

Opinion Article

A Postgenomic Perspective on Molecular Cytogenetics

Author(s): Henry H. Heng*, Steven D. Horne, Sophia Chaudhry, Sarah M. Regan, Guo Liu , Batoul Y. Abdallah and Christine J. Ye

Volume 19, Issue 3, 2018

Page: [227 - 239] Pages: 13

DOI: 10.2174/1389202918666170717145716

Price: $65


Background: The postgenomic era is featured by massive data collection and analyses from various large scale-omics studies. Despite the promising capability of systems biology and bioinformatics to handle large data sets, data interpretation, especially the translation of -omics data into clinical implications, has been challenging.

Discussion: In this perspective, some important conceptual and technological limitations of current systems biology are discussed in the context of the ultimate importance of the genome beyond the collection of all genes. Following a brief summary of the contributions of molecular cytogenetics/cytogenomics in the pre- and post-genomic eras, new challenges for postgenomic research are discussed. Such discussion leads to a call to search for a new conceptual framework and holistic methodologies.

Conclusion: Throughout this synthesis, the genome theory of somatic cell evolution is highlighted in contrast to gene theory, which ignores the karyotype-mediated higher level of genetic information. Since “system inheritance” is defined by the genome context (gene content and genomic topology) while “parts inheritance” is defined by genes/epigenes, molecular cytogenetics and cytogenomics (which directly study genome structure, function, alteration and evolution) will play important roles in this postgenomic era.

Keywords: Systems biology, Genome theory, System inheritance, Parts inheritance, Karyotype coding, Fuzzy inheritance, Genome re-organization, Genome chaos, Heterogeneity.

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