Background: Since 1980 a form of benign convulsion during mild gastroenteritis, called Convulsion With Gastroenteritis (CWG) has been described. However diagnostic criteria have not been well defined yet given the similarity of CWG with other diseases of young age and therefore diagnosis is done by exclusion, creating anxiety in parents.
Objective and Methods: We here report a series of cases admitted at our hospital and, making a review analysis of data available, propose a diagnostic score (CWGDS) in order to rapidly individuate the disease from history.
Results: Five cases of seizures associated to gastrointestinal symptoms were admitted to the Pediatric Unit of Eastern Liguria Hospital in La Spezia from January 2014 to April 2015. All these cases could be defined as CWG given their characteristics and benign evolution. We then prepared CWGDS from literature’s data and compared our cases with the score itself, having 100% agreement between clinical diagnosis and diagnosis done by CWGDS.
Conclusion: We propose a diagnostic score to help the clinician in diagnosing a benign condition such as CWG therefore avoiding as much as possible invasive procedures and reassuring parents.
Keywords: Convulsion, gastroenteritis, afebrile seizure, benign seizure, child, score.
Graphical Abstract