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Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering


ISSN (Print): 2212-7976
ISSN (Online): 1874-477X

Research Article

Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis of Pick Cutting Load

Author(s): Chenxu Luo, Shuangxi Jing, Xiaoming Han and Changlong Du

Volume 9, Issue 3, 2016

Page: [259 - 265] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/2212797609666160531103811

Price: $65


Background: It is better to consider the formation of coal and rock nonlinear complex system dynamics role in the cutter, using nonlinear dynamics theory and methods, in order to study rocks and coal cutter picks nonlinear dynamical systems effectively. Some patents have been discussed in this article.

Objective: The purpose of the article is to study the characteristics of cutting load, especially the load characteristics of different cutting material parameters for the coal seam with coal and rock interface cutting.

Method: The phase space was reconstructed by cutting load test data, through which the strange attractor phase diagram of cutting load was obtained. Moreover, this method can describe the load characteristics of cutting conditions above well. Based on determining the embedding dimension, the cutting load correlation dimensions and Lyapunov exponents of different working conditions were obtained.

Results: Analyses show that the value ranges of correlation dimension and Lyapunov exponents are in accord with the chaotic characteristics, which proves that the single pick cutting system has chaotic characteristics; the corresponding value has some variation. In the scope of this study, different cutting conditions can be distinguished by these values. Finally, the cutting system characteristics can be studied by taking the complexity as measure standard, and it can be obtained that the complexity of cutting system will increase with the cutting object variation, which provides guidance significance for the system chaotic characteristics study.

Conclusion: The similarities and differences of coal seam with coal and rock interface, homogeneous coal seam and homogeneous rock seam can be seen by the above contrast.

Keywords: Coal seam with coal and rock interface, complexity, correlation dimension, cutting load, Lyapunov exponents, phase space reconstructed.

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