Background: Rice is the staple food in the area called the monsoon Asia because of its high yield favored by the sun and rain. The rice agriculture is crucially important to Japan for food security; meanwhile, the imported wheat is cheaper than the domestic rice. The irony is the need to reserve rice agriculture despite the oversupply of rice because of cheap wheat from USA.
Objective: To prepare for a bad harvest due to a bad weather, Japan needs to reserve rice agriculture even when wheat can be cheaply imported. This paper proposes a possible policy for Japan to receive rice-related technology from abroad in order to develop a new side-market of rice for the domestic consumption. Method: This paper uses a set of conceptual analysis methods like the need analysis, the obstacle analysis, the dilemma analysis, the irony analysis and the conflict analysis.
Results: For the above-stated objective, this paper proposes for Thailand to transfer her newly developed rice-product technology to Japan. This paper assesses its acceptability to Japan.
Conclusion: Using this technology, a new rice-product is expected to develop a new market of rice in Japan. This is expected to help Japan reserve rice agriculture for food security. Its possible agro-technological obstacles and US-Japan trade obstacle are also discussed.
Keywords: Agriculture policy, bad harvest, climate, conflict analysis, dilemma analysis, food processing technology, food security, need analysis.