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Recent Patents on Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Drug Discovery (Discontinued)


ISSN (Print): 1872-2148
ISSN (Online): 2212-3334

Ultra-Fast Acting Insulin Analogues

Author(s): Sanjay Kalra and Yashdeep Gupta

Volume 8, Issue 2, 2014

Page: [117 - 123] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/1872214808666140714112644

Price: $65


Insulin analogues are a major improvement in diabetes pharmacotherapy. Rapid acting insulins have certain advantages over regular insulin, but there is a need to develop even faster acting insulin preparations, which mimic physiological insulin release in a better manner. This review discusses recent developments and patents in the field of Ultra- fast acting insulins. It classifies various approaches towards creation of an Ultra-fast acting insulin profile based upon the method used to achieve a faster onset of action. These include change in formulation of insulin, addition of excipients to insulin, and utilization of novel insulin sites or delivery methods. It examines the current state of evidence, and the developments in the field of newer insulin analogues & delivery methods.

Keywords: Aspart, diabetes mellitus, fast-acting insulin aspart, insulin, insulin analogues, insulin technique, ultra-fast insulin.

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