The effect of mixed inoculums of VAM (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas) fungi on seed growth and photosynthetic apparatus in green house was monitored. The plants were watered daily with tap water. Plants were cultivated in natural environment in mid of March (2011). A direct relation between root length and water contents suggests a defense mechanism of MP (microrihzal plants) against the fungal stress. It was also supported by the fact that the leaf area of MP was much greater as compared to the NMP (non microrihzal plants) with elevated concentration of all chlorophyllus pigments in 30 days. An increase in the surface area of the leaf and concentration of the pigments, may be for an acceleration in absorption of CO2 for reduction of it into glucose through oxidation of water molecule. The non-significant decline in glucose contents support the above hypothesis of rapid redox reaction mechanism which was established to overcome the stress. The positive effects of mycorrhizal which were already mentioned in the literature were reported in this article in relations of survival strategies of the plant, adapted in stress conditions. An increase in the chlorophyll contents (30 d) and leaf area of plants possibly attributed with absorption of solar radiation for the protection of plants. It was also supported by the higher concentration of carotenoids (30 d) that may have an additional function of regulation of certain developmental responses and screening of light to save the plants from stress conditions.
Keywords: Absorption, Chlorophylls, MP, NMP, Oxidation, Reduction and VAM.