The need for composites has been growing in various industries because it has high mechanical properties for weight as well as superior stiffness and strength. The composites addressed in this study are multi-pore aluminum foam and honeycomb whose have excellent impact energy-absorption capability. In this study, impact tests of aluminum foam and honey core sandwich composite with porous core are conducted in a bid to examine its mechanical properties. Different impact energies such as 50J, 70J, and 100J are applied to these specimens. The greater the impact energy is the shorter the duration of the maximum load. Maximum load is higher at foam than at honeycomb sandwich. At 50J test, the striker damages on the lower face at honeycomb but it does not damage at foam. At 70J test, it penetrates the specimen of composite at honeycomb but it does not penetrate at foam. On comparative study between impact behavior results of aluminum foam and honey core sandwich composite with porous core, stiffness at aluminum foam sandwich is superior than at aluminum honeycomb sandwich. The stabilities on aluminum foam and honeycomb core composite structure can be predicted by use of this experimental result.
Keywords: Aluminum foam, aluminum honeycomb, composite, damage, impact energy, stiffness.