Flooding is one of the most severe environmental factors which impairs plants growth and yield worldwide. The mechanism of plant response towards flooding includes adjustment of carbohydrate metabolism and disease/defense response. It triggers several signaling pathways that involve regulation of certain genes and changes in protein expression. Plants subjected to flooding stress may adapt many strategies to survive including maintaining the functional conformation of proteins and preventing the aggregation of non-native proteins. Proteomic analyses of response towards flooding stress have been performed in combination with other abiotic stresses. The changes in protein expression in response to flooding stress have been reported but need to link these response mechanisms with specific reference to organ and organelle level is still to be quenched. This chapter will describe the effects of flooding on protein expression at organ and organelles levels which alter various cellular processes. The description of protein changes in flooding stressed plants at various levels of organizations will provide a useful tool for the development of strategies for genetically engineered stress tolerant crop plants.
Keywords: Crop, flooding, gel-free proeomics, methodology, organ, organelle, protein extraction, proteomics, review, soybean