In this paper, we have proposed and experimentally demonstrated an optical access network based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technology. The OFDM based passive optical network (PON) employs multicarrier to carry different information transmitted to different optical network units (OUNs). In this paper, we have systematically analyzed the system performance of OFDM-PON under different conditions, including modulation formats, laser line widths, access distances and wavelength intervals. The colorless upstream transmission in the OFDM-PON is also analyzed in this paper. Finally, we have proposed a 40Gb/s base band OFDM-PON with two optical carriers, and the experimental result shows a receive sensitivity of-14dBm at BER of 3×10-3(EFEC limit) after 25km fiber transmission. Patents relevant to the topic have also been discussed in this paper.
Keywords: Optical OFDM, passive optical network (PON), colorless upstream, OFDM, OFDM technology, optical network units, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, positive-intrinsic-negative photodiode, OLT Transmitter