In the last years more and more research efforts have been strengthened on the Multiview Video Coding (MVC). From the point of coding complexity balance, MVC can be divided into two categories: the first is used for the applications with complex encoder and simple decoder, and the second is used for the scenarios demanding simple encoder but allowing complex decoder. In general, the former is referred as “MVC” directly and most existing algorithms and patents are related to it, in contrast the latter is called as “DMVC” (distributed MVC). This paper focuses on the first type of MVC schemes, which can also be divided into two types: H.264/AVC-based and wavelet-based schemes. After briefly describing the prediction structures, various coding techniques are introduced by dividing them coarsely into five fields: prediction mode selection, illumination compensation/color correction, view interpolation/synthesis prediction, reference frame management and asymmetric decoding. In addition, distributed MVC are briefly introduced. Finally, some future directions are concluded.
Keywords: Multiview video coding, 4D wavelet multiview video coding, distributed multiview video coding.