Objectives: We tested the association between specific values and beliefs, cultural representations of HIV/AIDS and high-risk sexual and drug-use behaviours in the Former Soviet Republic of Georgia. Methods: We questioned 2880 adolescents aged 14-17 in Georgia using a three-stage stratified probability sample. Respondents were from nine regions sampled across the country. Participants completed an inventory measuring demographic variables and openness to change values, fatalism, specific societal beliefs, sexual contact, drug taking and condom use. Results: Sexual intercourse was reported by 40% of males, 3% of females; drug injection by 4% males, 1% of females. Those living in urban locations were more likely to report having had sex, have used condoms regularly, and tried noninjection drugs. In multivariate logistic analyses, openness to change values was associated with having had sex, and fatalistic beliefs with having had sex, irregular condom use and drug injection. Particular beliefs (e.g. that “mainly gay people get AIDS”) were associated with irregular condom use and a greater likelihood of drug injection. Conclusions: Location and specific values and beliefs are important risk factors for increased sexual risk-taking and drug use amongst adolescents in Georgia..
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, adolescents, risk behaviours, Georgia