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Current Organic Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1385-2728
ISSN (Online): 1875-5348

Phosphorus-Containing Chiral Macrocycles

Author(s): Sergey Cherenok, Jean-Pierre Dutasta and Vitaly Kalchenko

Volume 10, Issue 18, 2006

Page: [2307 - 2331] Pages: 25

DOI: 10.2174/138527206778992725

Price: $65


Macrocyclic compounds are ubiquitous as synthetic receptors in supramolecular chemistry. This paper provides an overview of studies in the synthesis and functional properties of phosphorus-containing chiral cyclodextrins, calixarenes and cyclophanes having three-dimensional molecular cavities, within the context of molecular recognition and catalysis. The review demonstrates that chiral phosphorus-containing macrocycles are fundamentally and technologically interesting, because they combine chirality and supramolecular chemistry. Incorporation of phosphorus-containing receptor groups on the macrocyclic cavity enable supramolecular interactions to be defined a priori, having broad ramifications for chemistry, physics, biology and material science.

Keywords: Cyclodextrins, phosphorylation, Calixarenes, cyclic chlorophosphites, Phosphine Oxide

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