The lectin from the seeds of Canavalia brasiliensis (Con Br) was tested for its renal effects using the isolated perfusion rat kidney method. Three different doses were examined (3,10 and 30 microgram / ml), which were compared with a control group. The control group was perfused with only Krebs-Henseleit solution containing 6 percent BSA. Con Br caused diuresis and natriuresis, with a mild alteration on the perfusion pressure. Probably the lectin is inhibiting the Na+ / K+ / 2Cl- transporter present in the thick ascending limb of the Henle´s loop.
Keywords: LECTIN, CANAVALIA, BRASILIENSIS, Diocleinae, Phaseolae, Con Br, Eicosanoids, Phaseolus vulgaris, Canavalia ensiformis