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Current Nanoscience


ISSN (Print): 1573-4137
ISSN (Online): 1875-6786

Research Article

Advancing Hybrid Nanocatalyst Research: A Python-based Visualization of Similarity Analysis for Interdisciplinary and Sustainable Development

Author(s): Fernando Gomes Souza*, Kaushik Pal, Fabíola Maranhão, Carlos Zanoni, Daniele Brandão, Michelle Colão, Gabriel Silva, Jeffrey Ampah and Karine Velasco

Volume 20, Issue 6, 2024

Published on: 29 December, 2023

Page: [830 - 856] Pages: 27

DOI: 10.2174/0115734137274085231214100609

Price: $65


Background: This study presents a comprehensive analysis of hybrid nanocatalysts, which amalgamate attributes of both heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts.

Aim: To achieve a holistic understanding of the topic, we embarked on a meticulous exploration across multiple databases.

Methods: The Web of Science repository yielded 239 pertinent documents, while the Scopus database offered a more exhaustive collection of 1,887 documents. Although Google Scholar suggested a staggering 25,000 articles, its unclear selection criteria raised questions about the precision and dependability of its data. Hence, our study primarily relied on the Scopus database to ensure an extensive sample and analytical rigor. Using the Python-boosted visualization of Similarities methodology, we illuminated interconnections among various terminologies, identifying burgeoning areas within hybrid nanocatalyst research.

Results: Our findings emphasized the ascending trajectory toward innovating materials with superior properties in hybrid nanocatalysis. This trajectory accentuated the pivotal role of interdisciplinary collaboration and sustainable methodologies. Advanced analytical techniques, notably X-ray diffraction, emerged as quintessential in delineating the nuanced relationship between hybrid nanocatalysts' structural and functional attributes. We also spotlighted Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy's capability in fine-tuning hybrid nanocatalysts' properties, enhancing their catalytic efficacy and selectivity. An intriguing trend our study unearthed was the surge in interest toward integrating natural enzymes as potential catalysts within hybrid nanocatalysts, positioning them as beacons for sustainable and cost-efficient catalyst development.

Conclusion: By synthesizing these insights, this research underlines the significance of diverse characterization techniques and the ethos of interdisciplinary collaboration. The derived knowledge offers a repository for fellow researchers, guiding further inquiries, especially regarding integrating natural enzymes in hybrid nanocatalyst innovation.

Graphical Abstract

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Bressi, V.; Ferlazzo, A.; Iannazzo, D.; Espro, C. Graphene quantum dots by eco-friendly green synthesis for electrochemical sensing: Recent advances and future perspectives. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11(5), 1120.
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Rónavári, A.; Igaz, N.; Adamecz, D.I.; Szerencsés, B.; Molnar, C.; Kónya, Z.; Pfeiffer, I.; Kiricsi, M. Green silver and gold nanoparticles: Biological synthesis approaches and potentials for biomedical applications. Molecules, 2021, 26(4), 844.
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Gedda, G.; Sankaranarayanan, S.A.; Putta, C.L.; Gudimella, K.K.; Rengan, A.K.; Girma, W.M. Green synthesis of multi-functional carbon dots from medicinal plant leaves for antimicrobial, antioxidant, and bioimaging applications. Sci. Rep., 2023, 13(1), 6371.
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Manikandan, V.; Lee, N.Y. Reduced graphene oxide: Biofabrication and environmental applications. Chemosphere, 2023, 311(Pt 1), 136934.
[] [PMID: 36273614]
Sajid, M.; Farooq, U.; Bary, G.; Azim, M.M.; Zhao, X. Sustainable production of levulinic acid and its derivatives for fuel additives and chemicals: progress, challenges, and prospects. Green Chem., 2021, 23(23), 9198-9238.
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Rezvani, M.A.; Afshari, P.; Aghmasheh, M. Deep catalytic oxidative desulfurization process catalyzed by TBA-PWFe@NiO@BNT composite material as an efficient and recyclable phase-transfer nanocatalyst. Mater. Chem. Phys., 2021, 267, 124662.
Rezvani, M.A.; Khandan, S.; Sabahi, N.; Saeidian, H. Deep oxidative desulfurization of gas oil based on sandwich-type polysilicotungstate supported β-cyclodextrin composite as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst. Chin. J. Chem. Eng., 2019, 27(10), 2418-2426.
Rezvani, M.A.; Shaterian, M.; Akbarzadeh, F.; Khandan, S. Deep oxidative desulfurization of gasoline induced by PMoCu@MgCu2O4-PVA composite as a high-performance heterogeneous nanocatalyst. Chem. Eng. J., 2018, 333, 537-544.
Rezvani, M.A.; Khalafi, N. Deep oxidative desulfurization of real fuel and thiophenic model fuels using polyoxometalate-based catalytic nanohybrid material. Mater. Today Commun., 2020, 22, 100730.
Rezvani, M.A.; Ardeshiri, H.H.; Aghasadeghi, Z. Extractive–oxidative desulfurization of real and model gasoline using (gly) 3 H[SiW12O40]⊂CoFe2O4 as a recoverable and efficient nanocatalyst. Energy Fuels, 2023, 37(3), 2245-2254.
Rezvani, M.A.; Maleki, Z. Facile synthesis of inorganic–organic Fe2W18Fe4@NiO@CTS hybrid nanocatalyst induced efficient performance in oxidative desulfurization of real fuel. Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2019, 33.
Khalafi, N.; Rezvani, M.A.; Jafarian, V. Facile synthesis of new hybrid nanocomposite sandwich-type polyoxometalate@lead (II) oxide@polyvinyl alcohol as an efficient and reusable amphiphilic nanocatalyst for ODS of real fuel. Adv. Powder Technol., 2023, 34(1), 103877.
Rezvani, M.A.; Aghbolagh, Z.S.; Monfared, H.H. Green and efficient organic–inorganic hybrid nanocatalyst for oxidative desulfurization of gasoline. Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2018, 32(12), e4592.
Aghmasheh, M.; Rezvani, M.A.; Jafarian, V.; Aghasadeghi, Z. High oxidation desulfurization of fuels catalyzed by vanadium-substituted phosphomolybdate@Polyaniline@Chitosan as an inorganic-organic hybrid nanocatalyst. Inorg. Chem., 2023, 62(14), 5468-5478.
[] [PMID: 36992610]
Rezvani, M.A.; Hosseini, S.; Hassani Ardeshiri, H. Highly efficient catalytic oxidative desulfurization of gasoline using PMnW11 @PANI@CS as a new inorganic–organic hybrid nanocatalyst. Energy Fuels, 2022, 36(14), 7722-7732.
Rezvani, M.A.; Ardeshiri, H.H.; Ghafuri, H.; Hosseini, S. Highly oxidative desulfurization of thiophenic model fuels and real gasoline by Keggin-type heteropolyanion immobilized on polyaniline and chitosan as an efficient organic–inorganic nanohybrid catalyst. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2023, 140(24), e53950.
Rezvani, M.A.; Shokri Aghbolagh, Z.; Hosseini Monfared, H.; Khandan, S. Mono Mn(II)-substituted phosphotungstate@modified graphene oxide as a high-performance nanocatalyst for oxidative demercaptanization of gasoline. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 2017, 52, 42-50.
Rezvani, M.A.; Aghmasheh, M.; Hassani, A. Hassani Ardeshiri, H Synthesis and characterization of a new hybrid nanocomposite based on di-substituted heteropolyanion-quantum dots as a high-performance nanocatalyst for organic dye removal from wastewater. J. Coord. Chem., 2022, 75, 507-523.
Rezvani, M.A.; Mirsadri, S.A. Synthesis and characterization of new hybrid inorganic–organic polymer nanocomposite as efficient catalyst for oxidative desulfurization of real fuel. Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2020, 34(5), e5585.
Rezvani, M.A.; Shaterian, M.; Aghbolagh, Z.S.; Akbarzadeh, F. Synthesis and characterization of new inorganic-organic hybrid nanocomposite PMo11Cu@MgCu2O4@CS as an efficient heterogeneous nanocatalyst for ODS of real fuel. ChemistrySelect, 2019, 4(20), 6370-6376.
Rezvani, H.; Rezvani, M.A. Synthesis and characterization of new nanocomposite based on sandwich-type polyoxometalate and nanoceramic (Fe2W18Fe4@FeTiO3) as a nanocatalyst for germination of barley seeds. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2020, 50(11), 1063-1069.
Rezvani, M.A.; Shaterian, M. Synthesis and characterization of new nanocomposite CTAB@POM@TiO2 as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for oxidative desulfurization of gas oil. Inorg. Nano-Met. Chem, 2019, 49(1), 23-32.
Rezvani, M.A.; Rahmani, P. Synthesis and characterization of new nanosphere hybrid nanocomposite polyoxometalate@ceramic@ polyaniline as a heterogeneous catalyst for oxidative desulfurization of real fuel. Adv. Powder Technol., 2019, 30(12), 3214-3223.
Rezvani, M.A.; Jafari, N. Synthesis and characterization of new substituted sandwich-type polyoxometalate-based inorganic–organic hybrid nanocomposites for catalytic oxidative desulfurization of real gasoline. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2021, 60(20), 7599-7610.
Rezvani, H.; Rezvani, M.A. Synthesis of a new hybrid nanocomposite based on vanadium (V) substituted Keggin-type polyoxometalate and polyvinyl alcohol ((TBA)4PMo10V2@PVA) as a nanocatalyst for germination of barley seeds. J. Coord. Chem., 2021, 74(17-20), 3048-3062.
Rezvani, M.A.; Khalafi, N. Synthesis of a new nanocomposite based on sandwich-type silicotungstate and polyvinyl alcohol with superior catalytic activity for deep desulfurization of real/thiophenic mode fuel. J. Coord. Chem., 2020, 73(24), 3395-3411.
Rezvani, M.A.; Hadi, M.; Rezvani, H. Synthesis of new nanocomposite based on ceramic and heteropolymolybdate using leaf extract of ALOE VERA as a high-performance nanocatalyst to desulfurization of real fuel. Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2021, 35(5), e6176.
Rezvani, M.A.; Hadi, M.; Mirsadri, S.A. Synthesis of new nanocomposite based on nanoceramic and mono substituted polyoxometalate, PMo11Cd@MnFe2O4, with superior catalytic activity for oxidative desulfurization of real fuel. Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2020, 34(10), e5882.
Rezvani, M.A.; Fereyduni, M. Synthesis of organic−inorganic hybrid nanocomposite polyoxometalate/metal oxide/cs polymer (PMnW 11 @TiO 2 @CS): Nanocatalyst for oxidative desulfurization of real fuel. ChemistrySelect, 2019, 4(39), 11467-11474.
Rezvani, M.A.; Aghmasheh, M. Synthesis of t-B.PWFe/NiO nanocomposite as an efficient and heterogeneous green nanocatalyst for catalytic oxidative-extractive desulfurization of gasoline. Environ. Prog. Sustain. Energy, 2021, 40.
Rezvani, M.A.; Imani, A. Ultra-deep oxidative desulfurization of real fuels by sandwich-type polyoxometalate immobilized on copper ferrite nanoparticles, Fe6W18O70⊂ CuFe2O4, as an efficient heterogeneous nanocatalyst. J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2021, 9(1), 105009.
Parvaz, S.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Esmaeili, M.S.; Rabbani, M.; Maleki, A. A brief survey on the advanced brain drug administration by nanoscale carriers: With a particular focus on AChE reactivators. Life Sci., 2020, 240, 117099.
[] [PMID: 31760098]
Taheri-Ledari, R.; Qazi, F.S.; Saeidirad, M.; Maleki, A. A diselenobis-functionalized magnetic catalyst based on iron oxide/silica nanoparticles suggested for amidation reactions. Sci. Rep., 2022, 12(1), 14865.
[] [PMID: 36050366]
Maleki, A.; Hajizadeh, Z.; Sharifi, V.; Emdadi, Z. A green, porous and eco-friendly magnetic geopolymer adsorbent for heavy metals removal from aqueous solutions. J. Clean. Prod., 2019, 215, 1233-1245.
Jelodar, D.F.; Rouhi, M.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Hajizadeh, Z.; Maleki, A. A magnetic X-band frequency microwave nanoabsorbent made of iron oxide/halloysite nanostructures combined with polystyrene. RSC Advances, 2023, 13(10), 6643-6655.
[] [PMID: 36860539]
Maleki, A.; Ghalavand, R.; Firouzi-Haji, R. A novel and eco-friendly o-phenylendiamine stabilized on silica-coated magnetic nanocatalyst for the synthesis of indenoquinoline derivatives under ultrasonicassisted solvent-free conditions. Iran J Catal, 2018, 8, 221-229.
Rahimi, J.; Bahrami, N.; Niksefat, M.; Kamalzare, M.; Maleki, A. A novel biodegradable magnetic bionanocomposite based on tannic acid as a biological molecule for selective oxidation of alcohols. Solid State Sci., 2020, 105, 106284.
Maleki, A.; Azizi, M.; Emdadi, Z. A novel poly(ethyleneoxide)-based magnetic nanocomposite catalyst for highly efficient multicomponent synthesis of pyran derivatives. Green Chem. Lett. Rev., 2018, 11(4), 573-582.
Eivazzadeh-Keihan, R.; Zare-Bakheir, E.; Aliabadi, H.A.M.; Gorab, M.G.; Ghafuri, H.; Maleki, A.; Madanchi, H.; Mahdavi, M. A novel, bioactive and antibacterial scaffold based on functionalized graphene oxide with lignin, silk fibroin and ZnO nanoparticles. Sci. Rep., 2022, 12(1), 8770.
[] [PMID: 35610263]
Taheri-Ledari, R.; Ganjali, F.; Zarei-Shokat, S.; Saeidirad, M.; Ansari, F.; Forouzandeh-Malati, M.; Hassanzadeh-Afruzi, F.; Hashemi, S.M.; Maleki, A. A review of metal-free organic halide perovskite: Future directions for the next generation of solar cells. Energy Fuels, 2022, 36(18), 10702-10720.
Taheri-Ledari, R.; Jalali, F.; Heidari, L.; Ganjali, F.; Asl, F.R.; Zarei-Shokat, S.; Forouzandeh-Malati, M.; Mohammadi, A.; Maleki, A. An effective antimicrobial complex of nanoscale β-cyclodextrin and ciprofloxacin conjugated to a cell adhesive dipeptide. RSC Advances, 2022, 12(54), 35383-35395.
[] [PMID: 36544467]
Soltaninejad, V.; Ahghari, M.R.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Maleki, A. Bifunctional PVA/ZnO/AgI/Chlorophyll nanocomposite film: Enhanced photocatalytic activity for degradation of pollutants and antimicrobial property under visible-light irradiation. Langmuir, 2021, 37(15), 4700-4713.
[] [PMID: 33821643]
Taheri-Ledari, R.; Fazeli, A.; Kashtiaray, A.; Salek Soltani, S.; Maleki, A.; Zhang, W. Cefixime-containing silica nanoseeds coated by a hybrid PVA-gold network with a Cys–Arg dipeptide conjugation: Enhanced antimicrobial and drug release properties. Langmuir, 2022, 38(1), 132-146.
[] [PMID: 34961315]
Maleki, A.; Eskandarpour, V.; Rahimi, J.; Hamidi, N. Cellulose matrix embedded copper decorated magnetic bionanocomposite as a green catalyst in the synthesis of dihydropyridines and polyhydroquinolines. Carbohydr. Polym., 2019, 208, 251-260.
[] [PMID: 30658798]
Rahimi, J.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Maleki, A. Maleki, A Cellulose-supported sulfonated magnetic nanoparticles: Utilized for one-pot synthesis of α-iminonitrile derivatives. Curr. Org. Synth., 2020, 17(4), 288-294.
[] [PMID: 32208119]
Hajizadeh, Z.; Valadi, K.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Maleki, A. Convenient Cr(VI) removal from aqueous samples: Executed by a promising clay-based catalytic system, magnetized by Fe3O4 nanoparticles and functionalized with humic acid. ChemistrySelect, 2020, 5(8), 2441-2448.
Taheri-Ledari, R.; Asl, F.R.; Saeidirad, M.; Kashtiaray, A.; Maleki, A. Convenient synthesis of dipeptide structures in solution phase assisted by a thioaza functionalized magnetic nanocatalyst. Sci. Rep., 2022, 12(1), 4719.
[] [PMID: 35304475]
Taheri Kal-Koshvandi, A.; Ahghari, M.R.; Maleki, A. Design and antibacterial activity assessment of “green” synthesized 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazoles via an Fe3O4/silicalite-1/PVA/Cu(I) nanocomposite catalyzed three component reaction. New J. Chem., 2020, 44(29), 12619-12632.
Maleki, A.; Eskandarpour, V. Design and development of a new functionalized cellulose-based magnetic nanocomposite: preparation, characterization, and catalytic application in the synthesis of diverse pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole derivatives. J. Indian Chem. Soc., 2019, 16(7), 1459-1472.
Esmaeili, M.S.; Varzi, Z.; Eivazzadeh-Keihan, R.; Maleki, A.; Ghafuri, H. Design and development of natural and biocompatible raffinose-Cu2O magnetic nanoparticles as a heterogeneous nanocatalyst for the selective oxidation of alcohols; Mol Cat, 2020, p. 492.
Maleki, A.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Ghalavand, R. Design and fabrication of a magnetite-based polymer-supported hybrid nanocomposite: A promising heterogeneous catalytic system utilized in known palladium-assisted coupling reactions. Comb. Chem. High Throughput Screen., 2020, 23(2), 119-125.
[] [PMID: 32003667]
Maleki, A.; Niksefat, M.; Rahimi, J.; Hajizadeh, Z. Design and preparation of Fe3O4@PVA polymeric magnetic nanocomposite film and surface coating by sulfonic acid viain situ methods and evaluation of its catalytic performance in the synthesis of dihydropyrimidines. BMC Chem., 2019, 13(1), 19.
[] [PMID: 31384768]
Varzi, Z.; Maleki, A. Design and preparation of ZnS-ZnFe2O4: A green and efficient hybrid nanocatalyst for the multicomponent synthesis of 2,4,5-triaryl-1H-imidazoles. Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2019, 33.
Ahghari, M.A.; Ahghari, M.R.; Kamalzare, M.; Maleki, A. Design, synthesis, and characterization of novel eco-friendly chitosan-AgIO3 bionanocomposite and study its antibacterial activity. Sci. Rep., 2022, 12(1), 10491.
[] [PMID: 35729281]
Hajizadeh, Z.; Radinekiyan, F.; Eivazzadeh-keihan, R.; Maleki, A. Development of novel and green NiFe2O4/geopolymer nanocatalyst based on bentonite for synthesis of imidazole heterocycles by ultrasonic irradiations. Sci. Rep., 2020, 10(1), 11671.
[] [PMID: 32669578]
Forouzandeh-Malati, M.; Ganjali, F.; Zamiri, E.; Zarei-Shokat, S.; Jalali, F.; Padervand, M.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Maleki, A. Efficient photodegradation of eriochrome black-T by a trimetallic magnetic self-synthesized nanophotocatalyst based on Zn/Au/Fe-embedded poly(vinyl alcohol). Langmuir, 2022, 38(45), 13728-13743.
[] [PMID: 36318162]
Zhang, W.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Hajizadeh, Z.; Zolfaghari, E.; Ahghari, M.R.; Maleki, A.; Hamblin, M.R.; Tian, Y. Enhanced activity of vancomycin by encapsulation in hybrid magnetic nanoparticles conjugated to a cell-penetrating peptide. Nanoscale, 2020, 12(6), 3855-3870.
[] [PMID: 31996884]
Rahimi, J.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Niksefat, M.; Maleki, A. Enhanced reduction of nitrobenzene derivatives: Effective strategy executed by Fe3O4/PVA-10%Ag as a versatile hybrid nanocatalyst. Catal. Commun., 2020, 134, 105850.
Rahimi, J.; Niksefat, M.; Maleki, A. Fabrication of Fe3O4@PVA-Cu nanocomposite and its application for facile and selective oxidation of alcohols. Front Chem., 2020, 8, 615.
[] [PMID: 32850642]
Taheri-Ledari, R.; Esmaeili, M.S.; Varzi, Z.; Eivazzadeh-Keihan, R.; Maleki, A.; Shalan, A.E. Facile route to synthesize Fe3O4 @acacia–SO3 H nanocomposite as a heterogeneous magnetic system for catalytic applications. RSC Advances, 2020, 10(66), 40055-40067.
[] [PMID: 35520839]
Varzi, Z.; Esmaeili, M.S.; Taheri-Ledari, R. Maleki, A Facile synthesis of imidazoles by an efficient and eco-friendly heterogeneous catalytic system constructed of Fe3O4 and Cu2O nanoparticles, and guarana as a natural basis. Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2021, 125.
Vatanpour, V.; Paziresh, S.; Behroozi, A.H.; Karimi, H.; Esmaeili, M.S.; Parvaz, S.; Imanian Ghazanlou, S.; Maleki, A. Fe3O4@Gum Arabic modified polyvinyl chloride membranes to improve antifouling performance and separation efficiency of organic pollutants. Chemosphere, 2023, 328, 138586.
[] [PMID: 37028725]
Eivazzadeh-Keihan, R.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Khosropour, N.; Dalvand, S.; Maleki, A.; Mousavi-Khoshdel, S.M.; Sohrabi, H. Fe3O4/GO@melamine-ZnO nanocomposite: A promising versatile tool for organic catalysis and electrical capacitance. Colloids Surf. A Physicochem. Eng. Asp., 2020, 587.
Maleki, A.; Azadegan, S.; Rahimi, J. Gallic acid grafted to amine-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles as a proficient catalyst for environmentally friendly synthesis of α-aminonitriles. Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2019, 33(5), e4810.
Azizi, M.; Maleki, A.; Hakimpoor, F.; Firouzi-Haji, R.; Ghassemi, M.; Rahimi, J. Green approach for highly efficient synthesis of polyhydroquinolines using Fe3O4@PEO-SO3 H as a novel and recoverable magnetic nanocomposite catalyst. Lett. Org. Chem., 2018, 15(9), 753-759.
Maleki, A.; Rahimi, J.; Demchuk, O.M.; Wilczewska, A.Z. Jasiński, R. Green in water sonochemical synthesis of tetrazolopyrimidine derivatives by a novel core-shell magnetic nanostructure catalyst. Ultrason. Sonochem., 2018, 43, 262-271.
[] [PMID: 29555283]
Maleki, A. Green oxidation protocol: Selective conversions of alcohols and alkenes to aldehydes, ketones and epoxides by using a new multiwall carbon nanotube-based hybrid nanocatalyst via ultrasound irradiation. Ultrason. Sonochem, 2018, 40(Pt A), 460-464.
[] [PMID: 28946446]
Maleki, A.; Firouzi-Haji, R. Green synthesis of aminocarbonyl compounds using a nanostructured heterogeneous catalyst under mild reaction conditions. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2019, 49(5), 132-135.
Esmaeili, M.S.; Khodabakhshi, M.R.; Maleki, A.; Varzi, Z. Green, natural and low cost xanthum gum supported Fe3O4 as a robust biopolymer nanocatalyst for the one-pot synthesis of 2-amino-3-cyano-4H-pyran derivatives. Polycycl. Aromat. Compd., 2020.
Hajizadeh, Z.; Maleki, A.; Rahimi, J.; Eivazzadeh-Keihan, R. Halloysite nanotubes modified by Fe3O4 nanoparticles and applied as a natural and efficient nanocatalyst for the symmetricalhantzsch reaction. Silicon, 2020, 12(5), 1247-1256.
Taheri-Ledari, R.; Valadi, K.; Maleki, A. High-performance HTL-free perovskite solar cell: An efficient composition of ZnO NRs, RGO, and CuInS2 QDs, as electron-transporting layer matrix. Prog. Photovolt. Res. Appl., 2020, 28(9), 956-970.
Taheri-Ledari, R.; Hashemi, S.M.; Maleki, A. High-performance sono/nano-catalytic system: CTSN/Fe3O4–Cu nanocomposite, a promising heterogeneous catalyst for the synthesis of N-arylimidazoles. RSC Advances, 2019, 9(69), 40348-40356.
[] [PMID: 35542689]
Eyvazzadeh-Keihan, R.; Bahrami, N.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Maleki, A. Highly facilitated synthesis of phenyl(tetramethyl)acridinedione pharmaceuticals by a magnetized nanoscale catalytic system, constructed of GO, Fe3O4 and creatine; Diamond Relat Mat, 2020, p. 102.
Maleki, A.; Firouzi-Haji, R. L-Proline functionalized magnetic nanoparticles: A novel magnetically reusable nanocatalyst for one-pot synthesis of 2,4,6-triarylpyridines. Sci. Rep., 2018, 8(1), 17303.
[] [PMID: 30470821]
Firouzi-Haji, R. Maleki, A. L-proline-functionalized Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles as an efficient nanomagnetic organocatalyst for highly stereoselective one-pot two-step tandem synthesis of substituted cyclopropanes. ChemistrySelect, 2019, 4(3), 853-857.
Maleki, A.; Hajizadeh, Z. Magnetic aluminosilicate nanoclay: A natural and efficient nanocatalyst for the green synthesis of 4h-pyran derivatives. Silicon, 2019, 11(6), 2789-2798.
Maleki, A.; Hassanzadeh-Afruzi, F.; Varzi, Z.; Esmaeili, M.S. Magnetic dextrin nanobiomaterial: An organic-inorganic hybrid catalyst for the synthesis of biologically active polyhydroquinoline derivatives by asymmetric Hantzsch reaction. Mater. Sci. Eng. C, 2020, 109.
Maleki, A.; Firouzi-Haji, R.; Hajizadeh, Z. Magnetic guanidinylated chitosan nanobiocomposite: A green catalyst for the synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyridines. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2018, 116, 320-326.
[] [PMID: 29751038]
Rahimi, J.; Naderi, M.; Ijdani, M.T.; Heidari, M.; Azizi, M.; Maleki, A. Magnetite Pd-loaded nitrogen-rich porous organic polymer as a catalyst for suzuki-miyaura coupling reaction. Mater. Today Chem., 2023, 28.
Maleki, A.; Hajizadeh, Z.; Salehi, P. Mesoporous halloysite nanotubes modified by CuFe2O4 spinel ferrite nanoparticles and study of its application as a novel and efficient heterogeneous catalyst in the synthesis of pyrazolopyridine derivatives. Sci. Rep., 2019, 9(1), 5552.
[] [PMID: 30944394]
Taheri-Ledari, R.; Rahimi, J.; Maleki, A. Method screening for conjugation of the small molecules onto the vinyl-coated Fe3O4/silica nanoparticles: Highlighting the efficiency of ultrasonication. Mater. Res. Express, 2020, 7.
Koyuncu, I.; Yavuzturk Gul, B.; Esmaeili, M.S.; Pekgenc, E.; Orhun Teber, O.; Tuncay, G.; Karimi, H.; Parvaz, S.; Maleki, A.; Vatanpour, V. Modification of PVDF membranes by incorporation Fe3O4@Xanthan gum to improve anti-fouling, anti-bacterial, and separation performance. J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2022, 10.
Maleki, A.; Kari, T. Novel leaking-free, green, double core/shell, palladium-loaded magnetic heterogeneous nanocatalyst for selective aerobic oxidation. Catal. Lett., 2018, 148(9), 2929-2934.
Mansourian, S.H.; Shahhosseini, S.; Maleki, A. Optimization of oxidative polymerization-desulfurization of a model fuel using polyoxometalate: Effect of ultrasound irradiation. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 2019, 80, 576-589.
Maleki, A.; Haji, R.F.; Ghassemi, M.; Ghafuri, H. Preparation and application of a magnetic organic-inorganic hybrid nanocatalyst for the synthesis of α-aminonitriles. J. Chem. Sci., 2017, 129(4), 457-462.
Maleki, A.; Varzi, Z.; Hassanzadeh-Afruzi, F. Preparation and characterization of an eco-friendly ZnFe2O4@alginic acid nanocomposite catalyst and its application in the synthesis of 2-amino-3-cyano-4H-pyran derivatives. Polyhedron, 2019, 171, 193-202.
Kara, G.K.; Rahimi, J.; Niksefat, M.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Rabbani, M.; Maleki, A. Preparation and characterization of perlite/V2O5 nano-spheres via a novel green method: Applied for oxidation of benzyl alcohol derivatives. Mater. Chem. Phys., 2020, 250.
Esmaeili, M.S.; Varzi, Z.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Maleki, A. Preparation and study of the catalytic application in the synthesis of xanthenedione pharmaceuticals of a hybrid nano-system based on copper, zinc and iron nanoparticles. Res. Chem. Intermed., 2021, 47(3), 973-996.
Maleki, A.; Gharibi, S.; Valadi, K.; Taheri-Ledari, R. Pumice-modified cellulose fiber: An environmentally benign solid state hybrid catalytic system for the synthesis of 2,4,5-triarylimidazole derivatives. J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 2020, 142, 109443.
Zhang, W.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Saeidirad, M.; Qazi, F.S.; Kashtiaray, A.; Ganjali, F.; Tian, Y.; Maleki, A. Regulation of porosity in MOFs: A review on tunable scaffolds and related effects and advances in different applications. J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2022, 10.
Khaleghi, N.; Forouzandeh-Malati, M.; Ganjali, F.; Rashvandi, Z.; Zarei-Shokat, S.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Maleki, A. Silver-assisted reduction of nitroarenes by an Ag-embedded curcumin/melamine-functionalized magnetic nanocatalyst. Sci. Rep., 2023, 13(1), 5225.
[] [PMID: 36997564]
Maleki, A.; Rahimi, J.; Valadi, K. Sulfonated Fe3O4@PVA superparamagnetic nanostructure: Design, in-situ preparation, characterization and application in the synthesis of imidazoles as a highly efficient organic–inorganic Bronsted acid catalyst; Nano-Struct Nano-Objects, 2019, p. 18.
Maleki, A.; Hamidi, N.; Maleki, S. Rahimi, J Surface modified SPIONs-Cr(VI) ions-immobilized organic-inorganic hybrid as a magnetically recyclable nanocatalyst for rapid synthesis of polyhydroquinolines under solvent-free conditions at room temperature. Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2018, 32.
Taheri-Ledari, R.; Valadi, K.; Gharibi, S.; Maleki, A. Synergistic photocatalytic effect between green LED light and Fe3O4/ZnO-modified natural pumice: A novel cleaner product for degradation of methylene blue. Mater. Res. Bull., 2020, 130.
Soltani, S.S.; Taheri-Ledari, R.; Farnia, S.M.F.; Maleki, A.; Foroumadi, A. Synthesis and characterization of a supported Pd complex on volcanic pumice laminates textured by cellulose for facilitating Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions. RSC Advances, 2020, 10(39), 23359-23371.
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