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Background: This article presents a novel strategy that utilizes the nature-inspired Spotted Hyena Optimizer Algorithm (SHOA) to optimize the placement of solar and wind-based renewable distributed generation (RDG) and distribution static compensators (DSTATCOMs) in radial distribution systems (RDS).
Methods: The proposed technique aims to determine the optimal locations of DSTATCOM and RDGs based on the loss sensitivity factor (LSF), while the appropriate sizes are determined using the newly developed SHOA. To facilitate efficient load flow calculations, a fast and effective backward/forward sweep algorithm (BFSA) is employed.
Results: The primary objective of this method is to minimize overall power losses within the system. The effectiveness of the optimization approach based on SHOA is demonstrated through extensive simulations conducted on a standard IEEE 33-bus test system with diverse load models.
Conclusion: The results of the simulations and comparisons of multiple case studies clearly indicate that the allocation of DSTATCOMs leads to significant reductions in power losses and improvements in voltage profiles.
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