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International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control


ISSN (Print): 2210-3279
ISSN (Online): 2210-3287

Review Article

Future Intelligent Communication with 6G Technology: A Review

Author(s): Sharad Jain, Ashwani Kumar Yadav, Raj Kumar, Vaishali Yadav* and Dilbag Singh

Volume 13, Issue 6, 2023

Published on: 03 November, 2023

Page: [361 - 384] Pages: 24

DOI: 10.2174/0122103279270825231023095946

Price: $65


With the exponentially increasing demand for wireless technology in the last few years, fifth-generation (5G) technology is in service at many places and soon will be deployed worldwide. But it might be complicated to address the escalating need for Internet of Things (IoT) connections using the conventional capabilities henceforward, so the proposal of a sixth generation (6G) communication network was introduced to upgrade the ongoing 5G networks and support to develop smart services additionally. The unexpected Internet of Everything applications having incredibly broad and complex needs are projected to be supported by 6G. With this, researchers in academics and industries have started research and development for 6G wireless network. 6G with artificial intelligence support is planned to be introduced, with new dimensions between 2027 and 2030. The future of 6G technology is bright and vibrant; however, there are yet several obstacles in the way of implementing 6G networks like capacity of system, reliability, security, latency, data rate, high energy efficiency, ever-present intelligent connectivity, and recent theories. In this paper, various 6Genabled technologies are discussed like artificial intelligence, terahertz communications, wireless optical, free-space optical, backhaul network, and block chain along with associated challenges. We showcase the foundation of 6G in detail, the performance of the 6G network, and key enabling technologies that can upgrade the future of the smart world. The bibliometric analysis of recent research on 6G networks and related applications is also achieved. Finally, we illustrate key open research challenges and possible future directions toward the realization of 6G-enabled technologies.

Graphical Abstract

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