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Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Drug Targets


ISSN (Print): 1871-5303
ISSN (Online): 2212-3873

Research Article

Thyroid Nodules: Emerging Trends in Detection and Visualization based on Citespace

Author(s): Wenyan Yao, Xiujuan Peng, Yunhui Guan, Xia Du*, Conglong Xia* and Feng Liu*

Volume 24, Issue 1, 2024

Published on: 27 September, 2023

Page: [130 - 141] Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/1871530323666230822143549

open access plus


Background: Thyroid nodule (TN) is a highly prevalent clinical endocrine disease. Many countries have formed guidelines on the prevention and treatment of TN based on extensive research. However, there is a scarcity of TN-related literature based on bibliometrics.

Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the scientific achievements and progress of TN research from a global perspective by investigating the literature for 20 years through bibliometrics.

Methods: We searched the literature on TN in the core collection of the Web of Science database from 2002 to 2021 and used the Citespace software to analyze the co-authorship, co-citation, and co-occurrence of countries, institutions, authors, keywords, and co-cited literature.

Results: We retrieved 12319 documents related to TN. The literature on TN has been growing since 2002. The United States has contributed the largest proportion of TN papers (20.64%), followed by China, Italy, and South Korea. The United States ranked first in terms of centrality (0.38). Haugen BR, Gharib H, and Cibas ES are the top three most cited authors. The papers published in Thyroid were cited most frequently (7952 times). The most prominent keywords were management, cancer, fine needle aspiration, diagnosis, malignant tumor, thyroid cancer, ultrasound, biopsy, benign, surgery, ablation, and cytology. All keywords could be divided into three categories: diagnosis stratification, treatment, and cancer. As far as potential hot spots are concerned, the keywords that have recently burst strongly and are still continuing are: "Association Guideline" (2018-2021), "Radiofrequency Ablation" (2017-2021), "Classification" (2019-2021), and "Data System" (2017-2021).

Conclusion: Based on the current trends, the number of publications on TN will continue to increase. The United States is the most active contributor to research in this field. Previous literature focused on stratification, cancer, surgery, and ablation, and there were different opinions on the stratification of diagnosis. There were relatively few studies on pathogenesis and treatment using medicine. More focus will be placed on association guidelines, radiofrequency ablation, classification, and data system, which may be the next popular topics in TN research.

Graphical Abstract

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