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Current Organic Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1385-2728
ISSN (Online): 1875-5348

Review Article

Applications of Flow Chemistry in Total Synthesis of Natural Products

Author(s): Sasadhar Majhi*

Volume 27, Issue 12, 2023

Published on: 31 August, 2023

Page: [1072 - 1089] Pages: 18

DOI: 10.2174/1385272827666230809094232


A vital driving force for chemists to discover novel synthetic protocols is the improvement of more effective synthetic technologies and sustainable methodologies. This is associated with the development of innovative research that stimulates the creative reevaluating of known conceptions. Currently, these robust methodologies, as well as green synthetic procedures, have been designed for the total synthesis of secondary metabolites. Flow chemistry and flow photochemistry have emerged as powerful tools to promote valuable transformations in the total synthesis of natural products as key step(s). Flow chemistry development offers many merits over a traditional batch format, namely a round-bottom flask. The advantages of this green tool comprise waste minimization, simple scale-up, reduction of reaction time, safety betterment as, well as energy and cost efficiency. Flow chemistry comprises a fascinating prospect for the synthesis of promising organic molecules and bioactive complex natural products as it represents a suitable modern synthetic technology for the improvement of sustainable chemistry. Continuous flow chemistry is an assembly of chemical processes carried out in continuous flowing streams. Compared to conventional organic synthesis, it is a process that strengthens technology and is superior in enhancing and scaling up synthesis, accurately controlling reaction rate, and providing the desired products with maximum yields. In the past and likely in the future natural products and their analogue will continue to deliver the stimulation for drug discovery and development programs. Total synthesis of natural products is very useful to synthesize natural products in the laboratory as many secondary metabolites are available in low quantities from their sources of origin. So, this review wishes to cover the brilliant applications of flow chemistry in the total synthesis of natural products in the field of novel technological advances.

Graphical Abstract


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