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Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering


ISSN (Print): 2352-0965
ISSN (Online): 2352-0973

Review Article

A Review and Comprehensive Study on DC-DC Converters

Author(s): Dharavath Anusha*, Srinivasan P. and Narender Reddy K.

Volume 17, Issue 6, 2024

Published on: 26 September, 2023

Page: [544 - 553] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/2352096516666230616120554

Price: $65


Background: DC-DC converters are used in various applications based on their required voltage capabilities ranging from milli volts to thousands of volts.

Methods: This review paper discusses various voltage boosting techniques, such as buck-boost, switched inductor, switched capacitors, isolated converters, etc., and provides a detailed evaluation of the literature and comparison of different DC-DC converters.

Results: This study reports a number of storage elements included, such as inductors and capacitors as well as switches and diodes. Their features along with methodologies, merits, complexity, efficiency, and voltage gain have been tabulated. A comprehensive study, converter classification based on the characteristics, and a detailed analysis of isolated and non-isolated DC-DC converters have also been provided.

Conclusion: As this study provides a comparison of each isolated and non-isolated converter's comprehensive gain, this research may help in future topology optimization for the choice of the ideal converter for applications. In addition, the examination of each isolated and non-isolated converter's comprehensive gain comparison has also been presented in this paper.

Graphical Abstract

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