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Current Reviews in Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology


ISSN (Print): 2772-4328
ISSN (Online): 2772-4336

Systematic Review Article

Metronidazole Induced Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reaction- A Systematic Review of Descriptive Studies

Author(s): Shifa Taj, Mohammed Zuber*, Vidhyashree Ballagere Hanumanthaiah, Rajesh Venkataraman, Sathish Kumar Puttegowda, Syed Afrid and Sai Kiran

Volume 19, Issue 3, 2024

Published on: 03 August, 2023

Page: [269 - 284] Pages: 16

DOI: 10.2174/2772432819666230601155545

Price: $65


Background: A substantial number of research studies on metronidazole-related cutaneous symptoms have recently been published. Our objective was to identify and evaluate descriptive studies that described metronidazole-related skin manifestations, therapeutic interventions, and consequences.

Methods: A comprehensive literature search was carried out in the PubMed, Scopus, and grey literature databases from inception to April 2022 without any constraints, as well as a snowball search in Google and a search in Google Scholar. Descriptive articles describing metronidazole-related cutaneous manifestations were considered for the review. Two distinct reviewers carried out the research selection, data extraction, and quality assessment; any discrepancies were resolved by consensus with the third reviewer.

Results: About 24 out of 4648 descriptive studies, including 26 patients (20 Female patients and 6 male patients), were included in this review. The included studies comprised a range of ages from 16 to 78 years old. Metronidazole was indicated for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, sepsis, anti-infection therapy, perforated appendicitis, rosacea, vaginal discharge, dysentery, acne rosacea, trichomonal vaginitis, lichen planus, liver abscess, facial rosacea, intestinal amoebiasis, and gingivitis. Fixed drug eruption was the most common skin manifestation which was reported in 7 cases included in this review. Cutaneous manifestations were ameliorated by cessation of the offending drug and by apportioning antihistamines, topical steroids, parenteral corticosteroids, emollients, and topical moisturizers.

Conclusion: Clinicians and healthcare professionals should be cognizant of the potential cutaneous adverse drug reactions (CADRs) induced by metronidazole to mitigate fatal circumstances. The management of the CADRs appears to respond effectively with immediate drug discontinuation and supportive therapy.

Graphical Abstract

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