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Current Organic Synthesis


ISSN (Print): 1570-1794
ISSN (Online): 1875-6271

Mini-Review Article

Incorporation of Protecting Groups in Organic Chemistry: A Mini-Review

Author(s): Mehmet Murat Kisla*, Mohammed Al-Kassim Hassan, Hind M. Osman, Amine Sena Aydin, Hasan Tahsin Sen, Shan Khazei, Pınar Kul and Canan Kuş

Volume 20, Issue 5, 2023

Published on: 26 December, 2022

Page: [491 - 503] Pages: 13

DOI: 10.2174/1570179419666220820152723


The approach of utilizing protecting groups (PGs) in organic chemistry has led to the successful syntheses of an array of useful organic compounds. This strategy has also addressed some of the complexities associated with many organic reactions. These PGs find useful applications in simple and complex reactions that involve the synthesis of large organic compounds such as peptides, and oligosaccharides. The fundamental role of PGs is to prevent undesired reactions that could hinder the progress or completion of such reactions. Ideal PGs must be utilized in this regard to achieve the desired objectives. This review describes the diverse protecting groups found in the literatures, the functional moieties for the protection, deprotection strategies, and their relevant applications in organic synthesis.

Keywords: Protecting groups, deprotection, functional group, organic synthesis, side reactions.

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