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Current Nanomaterials


ISSN (Print): 2405-4615
ISSN (Online): 2405-4623

Review Article

A Review on Nanofluids: Synthesis, Stability, and Uses in the Manufacturing Industry

Author(s): Jotiram G. Gujar*, Sanjay S. Patil and Shriram S. Sonawane

Volume 8, Issue 4, 2023

Published on: 31 August, 2022

Page: [303 - 318] Pages: 16

DOI: 10.2174/2405461507666220630153637


Nanofluids are a new class of nanomaterials suspended in a base liquid. Nanofluids have shown extremely distinctive properties that give tremendous opportunities for a wide range of applications. Nanofluids are a novel group of heat transfer fluids that have attracted the attention of researchers from various fields due to their intensive thermal properties. This systematic review highlights the synthesis, stability, physical treatment, and applications of nanofluids in various sectors. Nanofluids are used in different sectors as the coolant in machinery, cooling of electronics, in chillers, cooling of diesel electronics generators, in a boiler cool gas reductions, and the manufacturing industry. The manufacturing process is one of the most fundamental and well-proven industrial processes in product- based industries. Cutting fluids play a critical function in lowering manufacturing cycle time as well as cutting costs during the machining process. A review of the importance of the machining process, as well as the use of nanofluids as cutting fluids, has been investigated in this work. To achieve these goals, cutting force, surface quality, tool and workpiece interface temperature, tool geometry, and the impacts of environmental situations were studied. Various vital specifications, such as the type of nanoparticle, a cutting tool used, work material type, and machining processes like turning, milling, drilling, and grinding were studied and thoroughly summarised in this work. If the machining parameters were used correctly, a greater heat transfer rate would be observed due to changes in lubricating characteristics and physical parameters.

Keywords: nanofluid, machinery, turning, milling, drilling, grinding

Graphical Abstract

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