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Current Organocatalysis


ISSN (Print): 2213-3372
ISSN (Online): 2213-3380

Review Article

Microwave-induced Facile Synthesis of Highly Strained Three-membered Ring Compounds and Some of Their Reactions

Author(s): Manpreet Kaur and Bimal Krishna Banik*

Volume 9, Issue 4, 2022

Published on: 09 September, 2022

Page: [281 - 296] Pages: 16

DOI: 10.2174/2213337209666220530095641

Price: $65


Compounds with three membered rings experience greater strain than those with other ring systems. In general, the synthesis of small ring compounds, particularly three-membered molecules, faces major challenges because of the severe strain in this system. Moreover, microwaveassisted method creates a higher temperature due to the heat and radiation of a reaction mixture more rapidly than conventional methods. This paper reports the successful synthesis of threemembered heterocyclic compounds via microwave-assisted reactions. Microwaves have assisted in making three-membered compounds while inducing high energy to the reaction mixtures. No reviews have reported the synthesis of these types of molecules either by microwave or conventional procedure. In addition, the reaction of a few three-membered ring compounds to other products through the ring rupture method is also included. On this basis of the chemistry (formation and breakage) of three-membered compounds described here, this report can be considered novel, timely, and highly significant. This review may help numerous researchers for further study in this field as the synthesis and cleavage of three-membered ring structures using a microwave is a challenging objective.

Keywords: Tricyclic compounds, microwave, heterocyclic compounds, thiirane, oxirane, aziridines.

Graphical Abstract

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