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Current Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 0929-8673
ISSN (Online): 1875-533X

Review Article

Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, Vascular Aging and Atherosclerotic Ischemic Stroke

Author(s): Ioannis K. Koutsaliaris, Iraklis C. Moschonas, Louisa M. Pechlivani, Aikaterini N. Tsouka and Alexandros D. Tselepis*

Volume 29, Issue 34, 2022

Published on: 11 January, 2022

Page: [5496 - 5509] Pages: 14

DOI: 10.2174/0929867328666210921161711

Price: $65


Vascular aging is a crucial risk factor for atherosclerotic ischemic stroke. Vascular aging is characterized by oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, intimal and media thickening, as well as the gradual development of arterial stiffness, among other pathophysiological features. Regarding oxidative stress, increased concentration of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species is linked to atherosclerotic ischemic stroke in vascular aging. Additionally, oxidative stress is associated with an inflammatory response. Inflammation is related to aging through the “inflammaging” theory, which is characterized by decreased ability to cope with a variety of stressors, in combination with an increased pro-inflammatory state. Vascular aging is correlated with changes in cerebral arteries that are considered predictors of the risk for atherosclerotic ischemic stroke. The aim of the present review is to present the role of oxidative stress and inflammation in vascular aging, as well as their involvement in atherosclerotic ischemic stroke.

Keywords: Atherosclerotic ischemic stroke, inflammation, oxidative stress, vascular aging, ROS.

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