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Current Neuropharmacology


ISSN (Print): 1570-159X
ISSN (Online): 1875-6190

Review Article

High-Frequency Oscillations and Epileptogenic Network

Author(s): Xiaonan Li, Herui Zhang, Huanling Lai, Jiaoyang Wang, Wei Wang and Xiaofeng Yang*

Volume 20, Issue 9, 2022

Published on: 20 April, 2022

Page: [1687 - 1703] Pages: 17

DOI: 10.2174/1570159X19666210908165641

Price: $65


Epilepsy is a network disease caused by aberrant neocortical large-scale connectivity spanning regions on the scale of several centimeters. High-frequency oscillations, characterized by the 80-600 Hz signals in electroencephalography, have been proven to be a promising biomarker of epilepsy that can be used in assessing the severity and susceptibility of epilepsy as well as the location of the epileptogenic zone. However, the presence of a high-frequency oscillation network remains a topic of debate as high-frequency oscillations have been previously thought to be incapable of propagation, and the relationship between high-frequency oscillations and the epileptogenic network has rarely been discussed. Some recent studies reported that high-frequency oscillations may behave like networks that are closely relevant to the epileptogenic network. Pathological highfrequency oscillations are network-driven phenomena and elucidate epileptogenic network development; high-frequency oscillations show different characteristics coincident with the epileptogenic network dynamics, and cross-frequency coupling between high-frequency oscillations and other signals may mediate the generation and propagation of abnormal discharges across the network.

Keywords: High-frequency oscillations, HFO network, epileptogenic network, biomarker in epilepsy, epileptogenic zone, surgery.

Graphical Abstract

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