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Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1871-5206
ISSN (Online): 1875-5992

Research Article

Comparison of Y-90 and Ho-166 Dosimetry Using Liver Phantom: A Monte Carlo Study7

Author(s): Ayşe Karadeniz Yıldırım and Handan Tanyıldızı Kökkülünk*

Volume 22, Issue 7, 2022

Published on: 24 August, 2021

Page: [1348 - 1353] Pages: 6

DOI: 10.2174/1871520621666210824111534

Price: $65


Background: It is estimated that more than 1 million people are diagnosed with liver malignancy each year and one of the treatments is radioembolization with Y-90 and Ho-166.

Objective: The aim of this study is to calculate the absorbed doses caused by Y-90 and Ho-166 in tumor and liver parenchyma using a phantom via Monte Carlo method.

Methods: A liver model phantom including a tumor imitation of sphere (r =1.5cm) was defined in GATE. The total activity of 40 mCi Y-90 and Ho-166 was prescribed into tumor imitation as source and 2x2x2 mm3 voxel-sized Dose- Actors were identified at 30 locations. The simulation, performed to calculate the absorbed doses left by particles during 1 second for Y-90 and Ho-166, was run for a total of 10 days and 11 days, respectively. Total doses were calculated by taking the doses occurring in 1 second as a reference.

Results: The maximum absorbed doses were found to be 2.334E+03±1.576E+01 Gy for Y-90 and 7.006E+02±6.013E- 01 Gy for Ho-166 at the center of tumor imitation. The minimum absorbed doses were found to be 2.133E-03±1.883E- 01 Gy for Y-90 and 1.152E-02±1.036E-03 Gy for Ho-166 at the farthest location from source. The mean absorbed doses in tumor imitation were found to be 1.50E+03±1.36E+00 Gy and 4.58E+02±4.75E-01 Gy for Y-90 and Ho-166, respectively. And, the mean absorbed doses in normal parenchymal tissue were found to be2.07E+01±9.58E-02 Gy and 3.79E+00±2.63E-02 Gy for Y-90 and Ho-166, respectively.

Conclusion: Based on the results, Ho-166 is a good alternative to Y-90 according to dosimetric evaluation.

Keywords: Monte Carlo method, dosimetry, Y-90, Ho-166, phantom, modelling and simulation.

Graphical Abstract

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