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Current Materials Science


ISSN (Print): 2666-1454
ISSN (Online): 2666-1462

Research Article

A Numerical Study for Determining the Effect of Raffia, Alfa and Sisal Fibers on the Fiber-matrix Interface Damage of Biocomposite Materials

Author(s): Bouchra Achour, Allel Mokaddem*, Bendouma Doumi*, Abdelkader Ziadi*, Lahcen Belarbi and Ahmed Boutaous

Volume 15, Issue 1, 2022

Published on: 11 August, 2021

Page: [115 - 124] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/2666145414666210811154840

Price: $65


Background: Nowadays, natural fibers are used in all industrial fields, particularly in automotive technology and civil engineering. This great emergence is due to their biodegradability, recyclability and have no environmental effect.

Objective: In this article, the effect of raffia, alfa and sisal fibers on the damage of biocomposite materials (raffia/PLA (polylactic acid), alfa/PLA and sisal/PLA), subjected to the same mechanical shear stress, has been investigated.

Methods: To calculate the damage to the interface, the genetic operator crossing is employed based on the fiber and matrix damage.

Results: The results have shown that the raffia / PLA and alfa/PLA biocomposite materials are better mechanical properties compared to sisal / PLA, this observation has been confirmed by different values of interface damage of the biocomposite studied.

Conclusion: The numerical results are similar and coincide perfectly with the results of Cox where he demonstrated that the Young's modulus of fibers improves the resistance of the interface. These conclusions are in very good agreement with our numerical data presented by the red cloud, and in good agreement with the work presented by Antoine Le Duigou et al. and Bodros et al. in which they have shown that natural fibers greatly improve the physical characteristics of composite materials.

Keywords: Alfa, interface, PLA (polylactic acid), raffia, shear damage, sisal.

Graphical Abstract

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