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Current Nutrition & Food Science


ISSN (Print): 1573-4013
ISSN (Online): 2212-3881

Research Article

Nutritional, Biochemical and Haematological Indices of White Albino Rats Fed Complementary Diets Developed from Selected Cereals and Legumes

Author(s): Tsehayneh G. Yohannes*, Anselimo O. Makokha, Judith K. Okoth and Mesfin W. Tenagashaw

Volume 17, Issue 5, 2021

Published on: 11 September, 2020

Page: [523 - 531] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/1573401316999200911143035

Price: $65


Background: Childhood malnutrition is a common public health problem in Ethiopia. This animal study aims to evaluate the haematological, biochemical, and nutritional indices of weanling albino rats fed on complementary diets developed from selected cereals and legumes.

Methods: The nutritional qualities of the formulated blends were assessed biologically by feeding white albino rats in order to determine feed intake, the growth rate, protein quality parameters, biochemical and haematological properties. The commercial weaning diet (cerifam) and casein were used as control diets. On the 28th day, blood samples were collected from three randomly selected rats by decapitation. Full blood count analysis was carried out using the Automated Haematologic Analyzer to determine haematological parameters. All the biochemical parameters were determined using Mindray diagnostic kits.

Results and Discussion: The food intake pattern showed that animals placed on diet 3, diet 4, casein, and cerifam consumed more food than those fed on diet 1, diet 2, and diet 7. The mean growth rate of animals fed on diet 3 and diet 4 was significantly (p<0.05) higher than those placed on diet 1, diet 2, and diet 7 but similar to those fed with commercial diet and casein. The protein quality evaluation of the diets showed that the protein efficiency ratio ranged from 1.20 to 2.43 while the biological value was in the range of 54.53 to 69.48%. The net protein utilization and true digestibility were 65.62 to 70.21% and 59.01 to 64.01%, respectively. Serum total protein, albumin, and globulin levels in rats given diet 3 and diet 4 were comparable to the controls and within the normal range. Comparatively, the creatinine and urea levels of rats fed on the control and formulated diets were within the normal range. The serum alanine aminotransferase values of rats fed on the control and formulated diets ranged from 22.03 IU/L in diet 2 to 37.76 IU/L in diet 4 and were not significantly different from each other. In this study, the packed cell volume and haemoglobin values of the control and formulated diets were within the recommended range. Evidently, diet 3 and diet 4 gave the best growth performance after the feeding trials.

Conclusion: The haematological and biochemical indices indicate that these diets can support effective growth and development in rats, and consumption of these diets has no detrimental effects on the liver and renal function.

Keywords: Complementary, serum enzyme, bioassay, protein quality, albino rat, biological value.

Graphical Abstract

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