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Current Drug Therapy


ISSN (Print): 1574-8855
ISSN (Online): 2212-3903

Research Article

Short Term Efficacy of Modified Epley’s Maneuvre Assisted by Visual Aid Dynamic Device Versus Unassisted Maneuvre for the Treatment of Posterior Canal BPPV

Author(s): Dhruvkumar M. Patel*, Jayanti K. Gurumukhani, Mukundkumar V. Patel, Maitri M. Patel, Chilvana Patel, Harsh D. Patel and Maurvi V. Patel

Volume 15, Issue 5, 2020

Page: [543 - 547] Pages: 5

DOI: 10.2174/1574885515999200706013308

Price: $65


Introduction: Modified Epley’s maneuver is the recommended treatment for the Posterior Canal (PC) BPPV. To enhance the efficacy of this maneuver, an easy to perform visual aid device (DizzyFIX) guided modified Epley’s maneuver was studied.

Material and Methods: This prospective, double-blind, randomized study included consecutive patients with PC-BPPV based on clinical history, neuro-otological examination, and positive Dix- Hallpike (DHP) test from January 2018 to March 2019 at a neurology clinic of western India. Patients were randomly assigned treatment with either visual aid device assisted modified Epley’s maneuver, which constituted the case group or by a placebo device guided modified Epley’s maneuver, which constituted the control group. DizzyFIX was used as a visual aid device in the case group. Patients were followed up at one hour and 24 hours with DHP by the blinded examiners to observe for remission.

Results: Out of 280 patients (140 patients in each group), 6 from the case, and 2 from the controls were lost from the follow-up. Overall, 134 cases were compared to 138 controls. The success rate of remission in the case and the control group at one-hour was 79.19% vs. 48.30%, respectively, with a p-value of 0.003. Similarly, the success rate in the case and control group at 24 hours was 95.27% vs. 80.62%, respectively, with a p-value of 0.011. At 1 hour, unadjusted Odd Ratio (OR) was 4.13, (C.I. 95% 2.02- 8.46) and at 24 hours, it was 4.37, (C.I. 95% 1.39-13.77), which was significant even after adjustment of co-variables (OR 4.02, C.I. 95% 2.34- 8.26) and (OR 4.11, C.I. 95% 2.30- 14.26), respectively.

Conclusion: For short term treatment of PC-BPPV, DizzyFIX assisted modified Epley’s maneuver is more efficacious than unassisted modified Epley’s maneuver.

Keywords: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, modified Epley’s maneuver, DizzyFIX device, Dix-Hallpike test, visual aid device, posterior canal.

Graphical Abstract

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