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Current Pharmaceutical Design


ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

General Research Article

Neuropharmacological Characterization of Dioclea altissima Seed Lectin (DAL) in Mice: Evidence of Anxiolytic-like Effect Mediated by Serotonergic, GABAergic Receptors and NO Pathway

Author(s): João R.C. Araújo, Adriana R. Campos, Marina de Barros M.V. Damasceno, Sacha A.A.R. Santos, Maria K.A. Ferreira, Renato de Azevedo Moreira and Ana C. de O. Monteiro-Moreira*

Volume 26, Issue 31, 2020

Page: [3895 - 3904] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/1381612826666200331093207

Price: $65


Background: Plant lectins have shown promising biological activities in the central nervous system (CNS).

Objective: This study evaluated the effect of DAL, a lectin isolated from the seeds of the Dioclea altissima species, having binding affinity to D-glucose or D-mannose residues, on mice behavior.

Methods: Mice (n=6/group) were treated (i.p.) with DAL (0.25, 0.5 or 1 mg/kg) or vehicle and subjected to several tests (open field/OFT, marble-burying/MBT, hole-board/HBT, elevated plus maze/PMT, tail suspension/ TST, forced swimming/FST or rotarod/RRT). Pizotifen, cyproheptadine, flumazenil, L-NAME, 7-NI, Larginine or yohimbine were administered 15 min before DAL (0.5 mg/kg) and the animals were evaluated on PMT. It was also verified whether the DAL effect depended on its structural integrity and ability to interact with carbohydrates.

Results: The results showed there were no neurobehavioral changes in the mice at the RRT, FST and locomotion in the OFT. DAL (0.25, 0.5 or 1 mg/kg) increased the behavior of grooming and rearing in the OFT, head dips in the HBT, pedalling in the TST and decreased the number of marbles hidden in the MBT. In the PMT, DAL (0.25, 0.5 and 1 mg/kg) and Diazepam increased the frequency of entries in the open arms and the time of permanence in the open arms without affecting the locomotor activity. The effect of DAL was dependent on carbohydrate interaction and protein structure integrity and it prevented by pizotifen, cyproheptadine, flumazenil, L-NAME and 7-NI, but not by L-arginine or yohimbine.

Conclusion: DAL was found to have an anxiolytic-like effect mediated by the 5-HT and GABAergic receptors and NO pathway.

Keywords: Lectin, Dioclea altissima, Anxiolytic-like, 5-HT receptors, GABAergic receptors, NO pathway.

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