Background: Lacuna of the traditional stock market systems overtime has been bridled by BlockChain Technology. Used cases designed in BlockChain Technology has a flair to deal with the problems in the financial sector. Most vituperative outburst is related to stock markets where the centralization of the clearing house increases the dependency on the central system. Centralization of the clearing houses increases the risks and delay in response to the users of the system. Traditionally, stock market players need to endure the complex multi-layer process of pre-trading, trading and post-trading settlements. The processes in these systems were time consuming and cost inefficient in terms of resources utilized due to the role of intermediaries.
Objective: The objective of this paper is to propose a system which will help embark the issues of processing, traceability, transparency, and availability of stocks using BlockChain Technology.
Methods: We offer a decentralized system for the stock market users, and as a result, the intermediaries become expendable. The rules and regulations will execute within every smart contract for every trade transaction being regulatory.
Results: This paper discusses various solutions to the problems that arise due to current centralized or decentralized systems.
Conclusion: We will discuss aspects like security and transparency of the proposed system while concluding the paper.
Keywords: SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India), stock market, blockchain, DLT (Digital Ledger Technology), NSE (National Stock Exchange), NYSE (The New York Stock Exchange)
Graphical Abstract