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Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy


ISSN (Print): 1574-888X
ISSN (Online): 2212-3946

Review Article

Stem Cells: A Review Encompassing the Literature with a Special Focus on the Side-Lined Miraculous Panacea; Pre-Morula Stem Cells

Author(s): Aryendu K. Saini*, Rakesh Saini , Himanshu Bansode, Anurag Singh and Lalita Singh

Volume 15, Issue 4, 2020

Page: [379 - 387] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/1574888X15666200311141731

Price: $65


Stem cells are the undifferentiated cells in the body that possess the ability to differentiate and give rise to any type of cells in the body. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in therapies involving stem cells as different treatment methods got developed. Depending on the source, there are two major kinds of stem cells, embryonic and adult stem cells. The former type is found in the embryo at the different developmental stages before the implantation and excels the latter owing to pluripotency. On the premise of the attributes of stem cells, they are touted as the "panacea for all ills" and are extensively sought for their potential therapeutic roles. There are a lot of robust pieces of evidence that have proved to cure the different ailments in the body like Huntington disease, Parkinson's disease, and Spinal cord injury with stem cell therapy but associated with adverse effects like immune rejection and teratoma formation. In this regard, the pre-morula (isolated at an early pre-morula stage) stem cells (PMSCs) are one of its kind of embryonic stem cells that are devoid of the aforementioned adverse effects. Taking the beneficial factor into account, they are being used for the treatment of disorders like Cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disorder, Aplastic anemia, Multiple sclerosis and many more. However, it is still illegal to use stem cells in the abovementioned disorders. This review encompasses different stem cells and emphasizes on PMSCs for their uniqueness in therapy as no other previously published literature reviews have taken these into consideration. Later in the review, current regulatory aspects related to stem cells are also considered.

Keywords: Human embryonic stem cell, morula, parkinson's disease, blastocyst inner cell mass, diabetes mellitus, type 2, transcription factors, cell differentiation, teratoma.

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