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Current Pharmaceutical Design


ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

Review Article

Neuropsychological Disorders and their Nanocarriers

Author(s): Surbhi Sharma and Shweta Dang*

Volume 26, Issue 19, 2020

Page: [2247 - 2256] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/1381612826666200224111241

Price: $65


Neuropsychological disorders are now growing rapidly worldwide among the people of diverse backgrounds irrespective of age, gender, and geographical region. Such disorders not only disturb the normal life and functionality of an individual but also impact the social relationships of the patient and the people associated with them, and if not treated in time, it may also result in mortality in severe conditions. Various antipsychotic drugs have been developed but their use is often limited by issues related to effective drug delivery at the site of action i.e. brain, mainly because of the blood-brain barrier. To resolve these issues, researchers and scientists have been working to develop a more effective drug delivery system where drugs can cross the blood-brain barrier and reach the brain in more effective concentrations. Drugs have been modified and formulated into nano-carriers and experimental studies for efficient and targeted delivery of drugs have been conducted. This review focuses on certain common neuropsychological diseases and their nanocarriers developed for drug delivery in the brain and are discussed with a brief description of various experimental in vitro and in vivo studies. This review also focuses on the intranasal route for the delivery of antipsychotic drugs and constraints faced due to the blood-brain barrier by the drugs.

Keywords: ADHD, bipolar disorder, blood brain barrier, depression, intranasal delivery, nanocarriers, neuropsychological disorders, schizophrenia.

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