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Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering


ISSN (Print): 2352-0965
ISSN (Online): 2352-0973

Research Article

Performance Analysis of Various Multipliers Using 8T-full Adder with 180nm Technology

Author(s): Sai Venkatramana Prasada G.S*, G. Seshikala and S. Niranjana

Volume 13, Issue 6, 2020

Page: [864 - 870] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/2352096513666200107091932

Price: $65


Background: This paper presents the comparative study of power dissipation, delay and power delay product (PDP) of different full adders and multiplier designs.

Methods: Full adder is the fundamental operation for any processors, DSP architectures and VLSI systems. Here ten different full adder structures were analyzed for their best performance using a Mentor Graphics tool with 180nm technology.

Results: From the analysis result high performance full adder is extracted for further higher level designs. 8T full adder exhibits high speed, low power delay and low power delay product and hence it is considered to construct four different multiplier designs, such as Array multiplier, Baugh Wooley multiplier, Braun multiplier and Wallace Tree multiplier. These different structures of multipliers were designed using 8T full adder and simulated using Mentor Graphics tool in a constant W/L aspect ratio.

Conclusion: From the analysis, it is concluded that Wallace Tree multiplier is the high speed multiplier but dissipates comparatively high power. Baugh Wooley multiplier dissipates less power but exhibits more time delay and low PDP.

Keywords: DSP, full adder, mentor graphics, multiplier, PDP, VLSI, W/L aspect ratio.

Graphical Abstract

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