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Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering


ISSN (Print): 2352-0965
ISSN (Online): 2352-0973

Research Article

A Prototype Design of Scanning Mirror Used in MEMS and Its Experimental Verification

Author(s): Xianquan Luo* and Junwei Lv

Volume 13, Issue 6, 2020

Page: [885 - 893] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/2352096512666191019153222

Price: $65


Background: The MEMS scanning mirror prototype is a spatial scanning device, which has advantages such as light mass, low drive voltage, large scanning and high angular measurement accuracy.

Methods: The MEMS scanning mirror prototype uses the piezoelectric driving principle to drive the micro-structure to realize two-axis scanning. The corner of the MEMS scanning mirror is measured by using a piezoelectric resistance sensor. In the paper, the damping properties of MEMS scanning mirrors have been studied, which deduce the damping force formula of MEMS scanning mirrors. Moreover, the influence of different sizes and structures of MEMS scanning mirrors on the damping force and the amplitude of scanning mirror angles are analyzed, and a structural optimization design method to reduce the driving voltage of MEMS scanning mirrors is proposed.

Results: The theoretical analysis, design and testing of piezoelectric driven MEMS scanning microscopes have been carried out.

Conclusion: Through related experiments, it is verified that the maximum scanning range and the precision index of angle measurement meet the requirements of the index.

Keywords: Scanning mirror, micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS), experimental verification, design, rectangular scanning, probability.

Graphical Abstract

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