Search Result "Advanced glycated end products"
Role of Advanced Glycation End Products in Carcinogenesis and their Therapeutic Implications
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 24 Issue: 44 Year: 2018 Page: 5245-5251
Author(s): David Schröter,Annika Höhn
Advanced Glycation End Products and Diabetic Retinopathy
Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 Page: 3234-3240
Author(s): M. Chen, T.M. Curtis, A.W. Stitt
Advanced Glycation End Products and Cardiovascular Disease
Journal: Current Diabetes Reviews
Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2008 Page: 92-100
Author(s): Melpomeni Peppa, Sotirios A. Raptis
The Road to Advanced Glycation End Products: A Mechanistic Perspective
Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Year: 2007 Page: 1653-1671
Author(s): S.-J. Cho, G. Roman, F. Yeboah, Y. Konishi
Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) and their Receptor (RAGE) System in Diabetic Retinopathy
Journal: Current Drug Discovery Technologies
Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Year: 2006 Page: 83-88
Author(s): Sho-ichi Yamagishi, Kazuo Nakamura, Takanori Matsui
Advanced Glycation End Products in Chinese Medicine Mediated Aging Diseases: A Review
Journal: Current Vascular Pharmacology
Volume: 18 Issue: 4 Year: 2020 Page: 322-333
Author(s): Wenqian Zhang,Tingting Zhao,Yonghua Zhao,Dingkun Gui,Youhua Xu
Advanced Glycation End Products: A Link Between Periodontitis and Diabetes Mellitus?
Journal: Current Diabetes Reviews
Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Year: 2013 Page: 355-361
Author(s): Abhijit N. Gurav
Association of Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products Levels with Hypertensive Albuminuria
Journal: Current Vascular Pharmacology
Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Year: 2015 Page: 259-264
Author(s): Huan Zheng,Lingyan Yuan,Nanzi Xie,Huifeng Xu,Xiaoyun Xie,Ming Luo
Advanced Glycation End Products: Association with the Pathogenesis of Diseases and the Current Therapeutic Advances
Journal: Current Clinical Pharmacology
Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Year: 2016 Page: 118-127
Author(s): Thekkuttuparambil A. Ajith,Puzhikunathu Vinodkumar
Alternative Routes for the Formation of Immunochemically Distinct Advanced Glycation End-products In Vivo
Journal: Current Molecular Medicine
Volume: 1 Issue: 3 Year: 2001 Page: 305-315
Author(s): Masayoshi Takeuchi, Zenji Makita