Neural progenitors cells are capable of promoting neurogenesis after ischemic stroke in the adult mammalian brain; however the function of these cells and their fate is still not clear. Therefore the purpose of this study investigated the relationship between neural progenitors and reactive astrocytes after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Brain infarction was induced by occlusion of a right cerebral artery in male Wistar rats. The fate of progenitor cells and the surrounding cells was investigated by immunochemical staining for nestin, vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) positive cells at several locations. Vimentin and nestin positive cells were observed in the ipsilateral subventricular zone (SVZ), striatum, and cortex at 3 and 7 days after MCAO, but those cells were not found at 28 days after ischemia. In contrast, reactive astrocyte positive cells increased following MCAO. These reactive astrocytes induced astrocytes differentiation of progenitor cells and formed dense astroglioses surrounding the ischemic lesion. Reactive astrocytes are thought to protect the penumbra during brain ischemia. We examined which brain cell expressed nestin and GFAP in the ipsilateral co-expression at 7 days after MCAO, especially at the core of injury. These results suggest that robust reactive astrocytes after MCAO were possibly differentiation from the induced nestin-positive cells after early ischemia.
Keywords: Neurogenesis, ischemic rodent model, nestin, vimentin, reactive astrocytes, neural stem cell