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Current Nanomaterials


ISSN (Print): 2405-4615
ISSN (Online): 2405-4623

Mini-Review Article

Green Synthesis of Metal and Metal-oxide Nanoparticles Pertinent to Catharanthus roseus and Moringa oleifera - A Review

Author(s): Anjum Mobeen Syeda, Habeeb Khadri and Khateef Riazunnisa*

Volume 7, Issue 2, 2022

Published on: 08 September, 2021

Page: [84 - 92] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/2405461506666210908142533

Price: $65


Background: Biological synthesis via greener routes attained eclectic interest for research investigators due to its reliable, sustainable, eco-friendly, and non-toxic nature since numerous efforts have been made laterally with reflective applications by synthesizing diverse nanomaterials, including metals/metal oxides, hybrid, and bioinspired materials during the past era.

Objective: The present review aims to report, update and uncover all the minutiae concerning two medicinal plant sources allied with diversified metal and non-metal nanoparticle synthesis through a greener approach.

Methods: The ornamental, medicinal plants such as Catharanthus roseus and Moringa oleifera have been broadly studied for the synthesis of varied nanoparticles because of their innumerable secondary metabolites, which may act as bio-reducing and stabilizing agents synthesized by metallic/ metal oxides, and non-metallic precursors such as silver, gold, sulphur, copper oxide, iron oxide, ruthenium oxide nanoparticles by means of either leaf infusions or part/whole plant.

Conclusion: This report highlights a phenomenon of exploiting different parts of these two plants with their widespread applications in varied scientific domains, which may act as a promising drug candidate for drug delivery mechanisms by means of a nano approach.

Keywords: Catharanthus roseus, Moringa oleifera, ruthenium oxide nanoparticles, silver, nanotechnology, drug delivery.

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