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Current Physics

Volume 1 , 2024

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About The Section


Publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to Electromagnetism.

The sectionnamed Electromagnetism of the journal Current Physics publishesoriginal research articles, letters, reviews/mini-reviews, and guest-editedthematic issues on various topics related to electromagnetic field theory andapplications.

This section is notlimited to a specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a widerange of sub-fields in the area. Articles of interdisciplinary nature areparticularly welcome. Basic theoretical developments, applications, casestudies, novel approaches and processes, and empirical research are among thetopics covered in the papers. Submissions in the following areas are of specialinterest to the readers of this journal:

· Antennas technologies and wave propagation

· Computational electromagnetics

· Computer-Aided modeling and optimization

· Direct and inverse electromagnetic scattering methods

· Electromagnetic compatibility and interferometry

· Electromagnetic dosimetry

· Electromagnetic wave-matter interactions

· Fields and network theory

· Fractional electrodynamics

· Laser technology

· Microwave theory, techniques, and applications

· Optical and millimeter wave techniques

· Terahertz theory, techniques, and applications

·  Wave propagationtheory

Section Editor-in-Chief(s) cscs_eic_Mescia-em_001 Mescia Luciano Department of Electrical and Information Engineering Politecnico di Bari Bari Italy

Luciano Mescia is an associate professor of electromagnetic fields at the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Politecnico di Bari. His research activities focus on electromagnetic fields theory and applications, antennas, optical fibers as well as on evolutionary computation for solving electromagnetic optimization problems (artificial neural networks, genetic algorithm, swarm intelligence). He cooperates with many national and international research institutions, and has collaborated in research projects with academic and industrial partners. He achieved the Honorable Mention by IEEE MTT-S Central-Southern Italy Award 2014. Prof. Mescia is a member of Italian Society of Electromagnetism (SIEm).

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Editorial Board Members cscs_eic_Mestriner-em_001 Mestriner Daniele University of Genoa Genoa Italy

Daniele Mestriner received the M.S degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Genoa in 2016 and the PhD in 2019. He is currently a Post-Doc Researcher. He has taken part in the Technical Committee of many international conferences and he works as Editor for some academic journals. His main interests include lightning protection, power system modelling and studies on the interference caused by HVDC electrodes. He is author or co-author of many scientific papers published in reviewed journals or presented in international conferences.

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