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Current Social Sciences

Volume 2 , 2024

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Limited Time Complementary Open Access Offer Papers submitted before December 31st, 2024, will be published as Open Access free of charge

About The Section


Publishes original research articles, letters, reviews/mini- reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to Psychology.
Current Social Science: Psychology publishes original research articles, letters, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to Psychology.
Section Editor-in-Chief css_eic_Rodríguez_001 Rodríguez Antonio F. Faculty of Educational Sciences University of Granada Granada Spain Orcid Scopus RsearcherId Editorial Board Member(s) css_ebm_Isabel-Martinez_001 Martínez Isabel Department of Psychology University of Castilla-La Mancha Cuenca Spain

Dr. Isabel Martínez, PhD, is an associate professor of Social Psychology at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Dr. Martinez is the head of the Current Social Science group PSYE (Social and Developmental Psychology) at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Dr. Martinez has conducted research and published studies concerning adolescents' adjustment and parent-child relationships. Dr. Martinez has carried out cross-cultural research in Spain, Brazil, Portugal, and the United States. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId

Section: Psychology

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