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Current Social Sciences

Volume 2 , 2024

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About The Section

Public Administration

Publishes original research articles, letters, reviews/mini- reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to Public Administration.

The section named Public Administration of the journal Current Social Sciences welcomes book reviews, case reports, letters to the editors or opinion articles, systematic or thematic review articles, and original research articles.

The contribution can be based on social science theories and methods of inquiry. It shall aim to deepen the understanding of a social phenomenon and/or propose solutions to social problems. Comparative analysis across regions, over time, using different theories/perspectives are also welcome.

The relevant topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Issues and solutions about eco-sustainability, and social and economic sustainability.
  • Public human resource management, public budgeting, non-profit management, social entrepreneurship, performance management, ethics of public administration, policy analysis paradigm and techniques, governance of science and technology, information management, organizational theories, leadership studies, network governance, policy design, policy styles, and tools of government.
  • Quantitative and qualitative methodology, big data and computational social science, experimental methods, application of multi-disciplinary methods (e.g. psychology, economics, sociology) to analyze public administration problems.
  • State-society dynamics, legislative-executive relations, theories of policy processes and policy advisory system, judiciary system and regulatory governance, social norms and collective actions, market and community institutions.

Editorial Board Member(s) css_eic_Hu-pa-sa_001 Hu Chunyan Department of Public Administration Central South University Changsha China

Chunyan Hu is a Professor in Public Administration and the Vice President and Secretary General of Institute of Local Governance at Central South University. Her main research interests are local governance, PPP governance, environmental governance, accountability, etc. One of Hu's current research projects is a research on the risk prevention system of major public health emergencies in the era of big data and intelligence. She works with students and colleagues to collect data and conduct fieldwork on how to deal with COVID-19 in an entire province, covering Street Community, District CDC and Provincial Health Committee. Her forthcoming book National Civil Service System (China Renmin University Press, 2022) summarized her decade-long fieldwork and research on various aspects of changes of the civil service system in contemporary China. Recent publications include: Construction of Fault Tolerance and Error Correction Mechanism in Hunan Xiangjiang New Area: Theoretical Exploration and Practical Innovation (Central South University Press, 2021; with Jianjun Meng, Wen Liu), "Does Good Policy Mean Good Effect? —Empirical Analysis Based on the Policies of Fault Tolerance and Error Correction" (with Lianming Zhang, Journal of Public Administration 2021), and "Time-varying effects of international copper price shocks on China's producer price index", (with Fenghua Wen, Cong Zhao, Resources Policy 2019). With collaborators, Hu has published a series of academic articles on PPP governance and environmental governance in recent years. Before joining Central South University in 2007, Hu taught at Xiamen University. She is a guest professor of Hunan Provincial Department of Water Resources. She received her PhD in Philosophy of Science and Technology from Xiamen University in 2006.

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css_eic_Li-pa-sa_001 Li Xintao Zhou Enlai School of Government Nankai University Tianjin China

Dr. Xintao Li is an assistant researcher in the Department of Political Science at the Zhou Enlai School of Government and Management, Nankai University. Besides, he is a researcher at the Joint Research Center for Chinese Government Development, Nankai University, a member of the Quality Control Center for Health Emergency Response Capacity Enhancement in Tianjin, and the secretary-general of the Tianjin Society for Assessment and Forecasting Science. His research interests are in political game theory, grassroots governance in the context of rural revitalization, environmental politics and governance research, and talent institutional mechanism reform.

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css_eic_Yang-pa-sa_001 Yang Bao Department of Public Policy and Administration Chongqing University of China Chongqing China

Bao Yang is a professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration at Chongqing University of China. He obtained his PhD in the Management from the Renmin University of China. His research interests are in the fields of state-society relations, public service innovation, and social work localization, and research results have been published in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, VOLUNTAS:International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Journal of Environmental Management, China: An International Journal.

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Associate Editorial Board Member(s) css_eic_Wang-pa_001 Wang Ying School of Philosophy and Sociology Lanzhou University Lanzhou China

Ying Wang received a Ph.D. degree in Demography Sociology from Nankai University in 2009. She is a professor at Lanzhou University, sociology Department. She has authored more than 50 papers published in international journals, conferences, and books. Her research interests include health care for older adults, e-social work, health education, and children's protection.

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