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Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship (Discontinued)

Volume 7 , Issues 2, 2020

Aims & Scope

"Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship" (TTE) publishes definitive review articles including case histories covering a broad range of topics that underlie the business of biomedical research, specifically translating basic scientific discoveries into commercial opportunities. This includes understanding of the technology transfer process and entrepreneurship in academia, the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries; directed towards economic development, better healthcare, and long-term job creation.

The journal scope includes economic insights on how technology is transferred within the bioscience and healthcare industries, and the underlying entrepreneurship that embodies scientific and biomedical research.

Interested authors should send a 1-page proposal and outline for their proposed review/original research article to either of the journal Editors at or

Special Offers

Quick processing and publication of the submitted papers. The manuscript will be published online within 20 days of final acceptance.

30% discount on the single-issue cost to authors on the purchase of issue(s) in which their article is published.
Multiple issue copies at discounted rates.

Forthcoming Special Issue(s)

Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Guest Editor(s): Luísa Cagica Carvalho, Adriana Backx Noronha Viana
Tentative Publication Date: September, 2019
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