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Current Traditional Medicine


ISSN (Print): 2215-0838
ISSN (Online): 2215-0846

Review Article

Compendium of Salvia officinalis: An Overview

Author(s): Ruchi Khare, Neeraj Upmanyu*, Tripti Shukla, Vishal Jain and Megha Jha

Volume 6, Issue 4, 2020

Page: [300 - 311] Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/2215083805666190723095043

Price: $65

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The medicinal plants have enormous commercial potential throughout the globe. In the herbal boom worldwide, it is estimated that high quality phyto-medicinals will provide safe and effective medication. In India, Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani etc. consist of large number of herbal remedies, being used from ancient times. Many plant species containing active constituents that have a direct pharmacological action on the body. This plant Sage (Salvia officinalis Linn) is historically well known from the early 1960s till now by its therapeutic and culinary applications due to its high economic value. The plant is reported to contain alkaloids, triterpenoid, steroids, Phenolic compounds and essential oils. Sage plant is a rich source of antioxidant properties, for this reason sage has found increasing application in food industry. The core purpose of this review is to emphasize the origin, morphology, Phytochemistry and pharmacological aspects of Sage (Salvia officinalis Linn).

Keywords: Tejpaat, sage, terpenoids, flavonoids, essential oils, antimicrobial, anticancer, flavoring agent.

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