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Drug Delivery Letters


ISSN (Print): 2210-3031
ISSN (Online): 2210-304X

Research Article

Luliconazole-Loaded Thermosensitive Hydrogel as Aqueous based Nail Lacquer for the Treatment of Onychomycosis

Author(s): Rupinder K. Dhamoon, Ramesh K. Goyal, Harvinder Popli and Madhu Gupta*

Volume 9, Issue 4, 2019

Page: [321 - 329] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/2210303109666190520081552

Price: $65


Background: Onychomycosis is a nail fungal infection which accounts for 50% of the nail diseases and is characterized by disfigurement and discoloration of nails. The current therapy includes oral and topical formulations both of which come with their own drawbacks. This has left a room for developing patient- compliant novel strategies which can facilitate drug delivery deeper into the nails effectively.

Objective: The main objective of the present work was to develop and evaluate in situ gelling thermosensitive hydrogel as an aqueous nail lacquer for the treatment of onychomycosis. The idea was to enhance permeation of Luliconazole into the nail while simultaneously solubilizing it in a hydrophilic formulation.

Methods: The sample of Luliconazole was authenticated using modern analytical techniques. The hydrogel- nail lacquer was prepared using poloxamer Pluronic F127. The formulation was evaluated in terms of drying time, viscosity, non- volatile content, pH, transition temperature, etc. In vitro study was done to check the drug release while determining release kinetics. In vitro transungual permeation study was done to check drug permeation through porcine hoof membrane. Stability studies were conducted to ensure formulation stability.

Results: The results confirmed a stable formulation with enhanced permeation through porcine hoof membrane.

Conclusion: The results support the potential use of in situ gelling thermo-sensitive hydrogels as a novel transungual formulation in the treatment of onychomycosis with a slight improvement in water resistance.

Keywords: Onychomycosis, nails, nail lacquer, hydrogel, aqueous, poloxamer, porcine hoof.

Graphical Abstract

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