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Current Protein & Peptide Science


ISSN (Print): 1389-2037
ISSN (Online): 1875-5550

Review Article

In Silico Studies against Viral Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Author(s): Alex F.M. Monteiro, Jessika de Oliveira Viana, Engene Muratov, Marcus T. Scotti and Luciana Scotti*

Volume 20, Issue 12, 2019

Page: [1135 - 1150] Pages: 16

DOI: 10.2174/1389203720666190311142747

Price: $65


Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) refer to a variety of clinical syndromes and infections caused by pathogens that can be acquired and transmitted through sexual activity. Among STDs widely reported in the literature, viral sexual diseases have been increasing in a number of cases globally. This emphasizes the need for prevention and treatment. Among the methods widely used in drug planning are Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD) studies and molecular docking which have the objective of investigating molecular interactions between two molecules to better understand the three -dimensional structural characteristics of the compounds. This review will discuss molecular docking studies applied to viral STDs, such as Ebola virus, Herpes virus and HIV, and reveal promising new drug candidates with high levels of specificity to their respective targets.

Keywords: Sexually transmitted diseases, antiviral drugs, in silico, molecular docking, HIV, infection.

Graphical Abstract

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