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Current Pharmaceutical Design


ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

Review Article

Sensor-free and Sensor-based Heart-on-a-chip Platform: A Review of Design and Applications

Author(s): Hao Wan, Chenlei Gu, Ying Gan, Xinwei Wei, Kai Zhu*, Ning Hu* and Ping Wang*

Volume 24, Issue 45, 2018

Page: [5375 - 5385] Pages: 11

DOI: 10.2174/1381612825666190207170004

Price: $65


Drug efficacy and toxicity are key factors of drug development. Conventional 2D cell models or animal models have their limitations for the efficacy or toxicity assessment in preclinical assays, which induce the failure of candidate drugs or withdrawal of approved drugs. Human organs-on-chips (OOCs) emerged to present human-specific properties based on their 3D bioinspired structures and functions in the recent decade. In this review, the basic definition and superiority of OOCs will be introduced. Moreover, a specific OOC, heart-on-achip (HOC) will be focused. We introduce HOC modeling in the sensor-free and sensor-based way and illustrate the advantages of sensor-based HOC in detail by taking examples of recent studies. We provide a new perspective on the integration of HOC technology and biosensing to develop a new sensor-based HOC platform.

Keywords: Human organs-on-chips, sensor-free/sensor-based heart-on-a-chip, biomaterial, intracellular/extracellular recording, synchronized electromechanical integration recording, 2D cell models.

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