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Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications


ISSN (Print): 2666-2558
ISSN (Online): 2666-2566

Research Article

Secure Digital Databases using Watermarking based on English-Character Attributes

Author(s): Khalaf Khatatneh*, Ashraf Odeh, Ashraf Mashaleh and Hind Hamadeen

Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020

Page: [477 - 481] Pages: 5

DOI: 10.2174/2213275912666190103142858

Price: $65


Introduction: The single space and the double space (DS). In this procedure, an image is used to watermark a digital database, where the image bytes are divided into binary strings that block the text attributes of the selected database, we proposed an algorithm to defend against four common database attacks.

Objective: Perform the watermark is Embedding and makes extraction of the watermark. We also describe the principal of the Embedding and extraction the watermark.

Methods: The procedure to extract the watermark does not require knowledge of the original database that does not carry the same watermark. This feature is extremely important because it allows the discovery of a watermark in a copy of the original database, regardless of the subsequent updates to the asset. The extraction procedure is a direct reflection of the procedure used to embed the watermark is six steps.

Results: Using new algorithm ability to develop a database watermark that would make it difficult for an attacker to remove or change the watermark without discovering the value of the object. To be judged effective, the database algorithm had to be able to create a strong enough watermark that could sustain the security of the database in the face of the following four types of attack: deletion of a sub-dataset, addition of a sub-dataset.

Conclusion: The performance of the proposed algorithm was assessed in respect of its ability to defend the database against four common attacks for all tuples selection.

Keywords: Digital databases, copyright, watermark, algorithm, extraction procedure, asset.

Graphical Abstract

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