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Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets


ISSN (Print): 1871-5265
ISSN (Online): 2212-3989

Research Article

In Vitro Study on Protoscolicidal Effect of Methanolic Extract of Allium hirtifolium on Protoscoleces of Cystic Echinococcosis

Author(s): Z. Shahamir Tabatabaei, S. Dehshahri, M.M. Taghi, F. Esfandiari, F.S. Sadjjadi, M. Ebrahimipour and S.M. Sadjjadi*

Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019

Page: [264 - 268] Pages: 5

DOI: 10.2174/1871526518666180509130838

Price: $65


Background: Cystic echinococcosis/ hydatidosis is one of the most important parasitic zoonoses worldwide. Usually, surgery is used for the treatment of active cysts. Due to the risk of cyst rupture during surgery, a protoscolicidal agent is usually injected into the cyst before surgery to prevent secondary cyst formation in case of cyst rupture. Due to the side effects of chemical protoscolicidal agents attempts have been focused on herbal medicine. In this regard, Allium sativum has already been used; however, the protoscolicidal effect of Allium hirtifolium from Allium family has not been investigated, so far.

Objective: The present study was conducted in order to assess the protoscolicidal effect of methanolic extract of Allium hirtifolium in different concentrations, temperature and exposure times. Cetrimide as a positive control and DMSO as a negative control were also used in this study.

Methods: The viability of protoscoleces was determined by 0.1% eosin staining method.

Results: The protoscolicidal effect of Allium hirtifolium on protoscoleces was as follows: The mean percent and standard deviation (SD) of protoscolicidal activity of 50 mg/ml concentration of Allium hirtifolium extract in room temperature at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 minutes of exposure was 5.88±2.39, 8.59±4.54, 11.82±5.81, 12.31±6.16and 16.96±8.42 respectively; while at 37°C it was 9.10±5.01, 11.52±7.36, 18.64±4.36, 27.07±6.57 and 38.15±12.80, respectively.

Conclusion: In conclusion, although Allium hirtifolium from Allium family is similar to Allium sativum; the protoscolicidal effect of its methanolic extract is not similar and less than A. sativum extract.

Keywords: Hydatid cyst, protoscoleces, Allium hirtifolium, cystic echinococcosis, Allium sativum, methanolic extract.

Graphical Abstract

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